Rhodes Takes Over At Impact!; Major Backstage Meeting w/ Changes

– At the Impact! tapings last night in Orlando, FL (which featured the taping of two shows in one night as a new way to save money), Jerry Jarrett officially introduced Dusty Rhodes as the new booker of TNA, replacing Jeff Jarrett. Jeff did work the Main Event for the second Impact event that will air on December 3rd, but had nothing to do with the booking this week.

– Following Rhodes’ introduction, he gave a ten minute speech in regards to his plans as the new booker to get the wrestlers excited about his vision. Rhodes made it clear that he has a very different vision of where he sees the promotion going than Jeff Jarrett did and that changes will be taking shape in the next few weeks.

– In addition to giving a speech to the TNA wrestlers, Rhodes also met separately with the X Division wrestlers on the roster. Rhodes said he wanted them to slow down their style a bit in the ring and work on getting their personalities over more. It should be noted that he was very supportive and said many positive things, including that he felt they were extremely underpromoted thus far in the company. Rhodes promised that his job would be to make the viewers know their personas better and planned to give many of them more character-development with more promo time.


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