Bret Hart/HHH Shooting, Nathan Jones, Flair Returns

Thanks to the Wrestlingobserver for the following:

-Nathan Jones no-showed the Australian supershow 3 in Sydney on Saturday night. There were about 1,000 fans on hand to witness the event.

-Ric Flair returned to the ring last night in Philadelphia working an Evolution match against Randy Orton, Maven, and Chris Jericho.

-Thanks to Adam Lebow for the following tidbit:

Just a note on upcoming OTR interviews on TSN. The DiBiase interview on Monday

will have him on the Pnal with Andre Rison (former NFL, Argo WR), Choclair (Rap

Artist) and Rudy Blair (radio personality).

Triple H will be replacing Randy Orton for a one-on-one interview on December

7th and you can expect them to pose some questions that they will replay for

Bret on his one-on-one the following week on December 13th.

Also, with Raw in Toronto in January, expecpt a few more OTR interviews in the

next 8 weeks…

You can probably expect a very interesting interview with Hart since he does not like HHH and will respond to his comments.


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