IPW:UK Best of British 1 Results: Best High Flyer Crowned

Venue: Orpington Halls, Orpington, Kent

Referee: Chris Hatch

Attendance: 225+


Match 1: The Party Boys (Jack Storm & Dragon Pheonix) defeated Team Sexay (Jamie James & Chris Botherway) in 13:14 with Jack Storm getting the pin. It was announced by the IPW:UK management that a member of the Party Boys would get a place in the Best of British match later in the evening however the team would have to decide for themselves.

Match 2 – International Showcase Match #1: “New Superstar” Stevie Douglas (w/ Tarquin Bailey) defeated “Superstar” Tony Sefton in 12:12.

Match 3: Morales defeated “Sensation of the Nation” Rob Hunter in 10:56.

Match 4: Cabritro NC Hombre Del Veilo when Team Charming’s Enforcer Martin Stone attacked both men, the Lucha referee, Lucha MC & a fan.


Match 5: Flaming Red (w/ The Chav Army incl. Darren Burridge) defeated Paul Travell in 18:29 to advance into the main event.

Match 6 – International Showcase Match #2: Andy Boy Simmonz defeated Red Devil in 8:06.

Match 7 – Best of British: High Flyers: Won by Aviv Maayan in 24:58.

– Dragon Phoenix eliminated at 8:18 when Jack Storm interfeared and turned on his partner, spraying water in his face allowing Jonny Storm to get the pin.

– Flaming Red eliminated at 13:20 after a failed save by Darren Burridge from being blocked off by Paul Travell

– Jonny Storm eliminated at 19:23 when Spud and Aviv teamed up to double pin Jonny

– Spud at 24:58 pinned by Aviv Maayan

After the match was over, MC ‘Hardcore’ John Atkins tried to get a few words with Aviv Maayan, but he was savagely attacked by ‘New Superstar’ Stevie Douglas who then draped the German flag over him before challenging him to a No Rules Tornado Tag match for the next show. Aviv accepted when he stood to his feet and vowed to find one the very best from around the world. There were standing ovations for all of the final three competitors as they were eliminated.

After the show it was announced that IPW:UK’s next show is on Sunday March 20th, entitled “IPW:UK – Return of the Dragon”, which will see the IPW return of Super Dragon, as well as an International Round Robin tournament featuring the already confirmed Spud, all the IPW regulars AND the former RoH champion Samoa Joe. Tickets now on-sale and available (along with all other information) from the official website, linked below.


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