Jeff Hardy Comments On Lita-Matt Situation; Leaves Edge Voicemail

From Slam! Wrestling:

The Charismatic Enigma and Angelic Diablo are inching closer and closer to getting back together. Swanton bombs, twists of fate … and a little TLC … that would be just dandy with us.

Yep, Jeff Hardy says he expects he’ll be joined in TNA by his brother Matt, whose 90-day no-compete clause with WWE will expire on July 10.

But anybody who’s hoping for a reunion of The Hardy Boyz, the high-flying risktakers who became legendary for their Tables, Ladders and Chairs epics, may have to settle for a one-time only reunion.

“Matt’s pretty sure he’ll end up in TNA,” said Jeff on the phone the other day. “The first time together, we should do a tag match. But (Matt) wants to stay separate … (and so do I).

“It’s amazing how many people remember The Hardy Boyz.”

It’s safe to say The Charismatic Enigma is enjoying life these days, living life on his own terms.

He says at the peak of The Hardy Boyz, he hauled in $700,000 a year from WWE. Now, he gets paid quite a bit less for his TNA appearances, but he’s loving life.

“This is great,” he said. “The schedule is beyond awesome. It’s a weird feeling when you leave WWE. It’s hard not to feel like you’re in the minor leagues, but I’m over it now. I used to say maybe, but now I don’t see myself back (in WWE).

“When I first saw a TNA pay-per-view, the X Division stood out. It’s so entertaining … it’s hard not to fall in love with that kind of stuff.”

That kind of stuff being guys like AJ Styles.

“I look at AJ Styles and that’s how I used to feel,” said Hardy. “It seems like he has no fear. Maybe if I ever got a chance, if TNA ever went head-to-head with RAW, I’d get that feeling back … I’d be motivated to go all out.”

Going all out is what contributed to Hardy’s exit from WWE.

“It was so weird. It was a dream for me to be (in WWE) … then it happened so fast. But I was doing it so much … I burned out. It was such a great feeling to be on top, but I don’t know if I’d be here right now if I had kept doing it.”

He took a year and finished a motocross track. He painted. And he wrote songs. Lots of them, with influences from bands like Pearl Jam, Velvet Revolver and even some rap music.

And while he was out of wrestling, TNA’s Jeff Jarrett kept calling. Each call went unreturned, until Jeff, with some urging from Matt, finally picked up the phone.

And now it’s Jeff, who’s been a shoulder for Matt to lean on. Matt is suffering heartbreak after his long-time, real-life girlfriend Amy Dumas (Lita) left him for Adam Copeland (Edge).

“I don’t know what took place,” said Jeff. “Matt can get on your nerves. It’s his way or no way.

“But it kind of freaks me out. (Matt’s) deeply in love with Amy. And she’s like a sister to me. His ultimate goal is to be with Amy. She still has a lot of stuff at Matt’s house. They were within inches of getting married.

“I was very surprised. One day, Matt came up here and played his messages. There was Adam telling Amy how much he loved her. Matt got me to call Adam. I got his voicemail and said. ‘Hey, this is all screwed up. I hate you right now.’

So while his brother tries to sort out his feelings, Jeff is just chilling.

“I’m good,” he said. “I don’t owe anybody any money. I like what I’m doing.”


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