News On SmackDown’s Move To Fridays, Spike TV/TNA

– As reported in a press release Thursday, TNA Impact will be part of Spike TV’s “Slammin’ Saturday Night” lineup. Spike TV sources have confirmed that the program will indeed be ad-sustained, which means that Spike TV will definitely put a concerted effort into promoting Impact (and the whole lineup); such promotion will prove invaluable to TNA. It should come as a surprise to no one that morale at TNA is through the roof.

– UPN sent this website its premiere schedule for the 2005-06 season. One interesting note is that SmackDown! moves to Fridays on September 9 – meaning that two Thursdays will pass before the rest of the fall lineup premieres. No word was available on what UPN planned to air in the place of SmackDown! for the two weeks prior to the debut of the new Thursday night comedy block.


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