Gail Kim Talks About Facing Nidia One On One

Gail Kim has updated her website with the following message for her fans:

“Hey guys!

I know you guys get so frustrated with my limited updates with my website; I’m really sorry! you guys really let me have it so I thought I should really make an effort to take time out of my schedule to do this…. my webmaster and I don’t get to communicate enough (my fault)… i’m gonna stop making excuses! anyhow, things are great and a lot of people are asking me if i am still wrestling. I am…. although maybe not as much as i would like because I am pursuing other things as well. I do have some upcoming shows… the one I’m really excited about is in australia facing nidia; that’ll be in october. Just did a show in canada a few weeks back and had a really great time… thanks to everyone for coming out! It’s always nice to go back home. To everyone: I am still reading all the emails and love to hear from you. Hope everyone is having a great summer because I am and thanks again for all the support!

