Edge-Hardy SSlam Finish, & Hogan Called A “Fringe Has-Been”

Credit: The LAW & ProWrestlingTorch.com

– The likely finish for the Edge-Hardy SummerSlam match is a stiff contest with lots of blood and it ending in a no-contest.

Thanks to Joel Long for the following:

he Ottawa Citizen grouped Hulk Hogan in with Gary Busey, Corey Hart, and Kathy Griffin as fringe has-been celebrities. Says the article: “Reality series are inexpensive to produce, and shorter in cycle than fictional shows (generally six episodes instead of 13), (so) if a show flops, it’s no biggie. There’s another one waiting in the wings. All this helps to explain Hogan Knows Best on VH1, in which hairy ex-wrestler Hulk Hogan is revealed as just another puzzled patriarch wondering if it’s okay to let a 22-year-old college guy take his 16-year-old daughter on her first date.” Hogan is said to be thrilled with the article because it described him as “hairy.”