What You Didn’t See On WWE RAW Last Night

Partial Source: WrestlingObserver.com

– As is the norm for the post-RAW dark match, the face team of Hulk Hogan, Dave Batista and John Cena defeated the heel team of Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels and John Bradshaw Layfield. The match was said to have lasted about ten to twelve minutes.

– In what will certainly not come as a surprise, Shawn Michaels’ opening promo was over huge with the live crowd.

– During a promo for the live fans, Kurt Angle, too, suggested that he’d screw Bret Hart.

– The Montreal crowd gave Hulk Hogan his typical pop.

– The WWE RAW roster came very close to selling out the arena; the crowd was said to be significantly better than the last SmackDown! show in Montreal.