Tammy Sytch Possibly Returning To WWE, Leyla, Elisabeth

In a phone interview, Tammy Sytch is claiming that she will be returning to WWE in October or November. She also claims that she’s lost a lot of weight and that she’s 15 pounds away from being in “Sunny Shape” which is 115 pounds. She says she’d love to manage Ric Flair or Randy Orton and that she would like to put a bullet through the forehead of each and every Diva Search contestant. She also rips into Sable and Kimberly Page.

Tammy’s claims of a WWE return should be taken with a grain of salt as she’s not exactly the most honest person around. One of the reasons that contributed to her departure from WWE in 1998 was because she lied to Linda McMahon when said she was too sick to go to work but couldn’t produce a doctor’s note. However, WWE has been bringing back names of the past right and left such as Tatanka and Marty Jannetty, so perhaps a Tammy Sytch return isn’t too far-fetched, especially if she were to get into “Sunny Shape.”

The runner-up of the RAW Diva Search, Leyla Milani, has opened up an official website at LeylaMilani.com.

According to the third place finalist of the RAW Diva Search, Elisabeth, she has been offered a contract from WWE like expected. Here is what she posted on her myspace.com account:

“thank you soooo much to everyone who voted for me. Good news is that they offered me a contract and i am going to be on the show!!! yeah!! all the hard work paid off! I will keep you all updated on what is ahead. you guys are awesome- thank you for all of your support!!

love ya




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