Fans and readers sent along the following news and information. If you’d like to do so, we will credit you fully. To send in any news, webfinds, results, appearances, photos, or any wrestling content you feel we should use here on the website, CLICK HERE to e-mail that stuff in.
Brad Dick sent along this information:
WWE continues to advertise John Cena vs. Kurt Angle as the main-event for the upcoming Unforgiven pay-per view in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in local markets. This has been the planned main-event for a while now, as seen by the beginning of their program on RAW last night.
John Turner sent along this information:
There’s a new game at called “WWE Count Out.” It’s basically a version of the “Hangman” game, where if you guess a wrong letter, the referee starts counting as if it were a match. When he counts to 10, you lose. Videos for winners in this game include:
-JBL calling out Undertaker and having a midget version of him come out on SmackDown.
-Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage classic match from WrestleMania.
-WWE RAW diva swimsuit contest where Victoria turns heel.
-Finish of the Jailhouse Match between Big Bossman and The Mountie.
-“Mean” Gene Okerlund interviews with Roddy Piper, The Buchwhackers, and Jimmy Snuka.
-Steve Austin intimidating Scott Steiner and then having a beer bash before giving Stacy Keibler the “stunner.”
Tagg sent along this information:
I have just seen the new WWE PPV TV commercial for No Mercy which will take place in October. As of right now they have Eddie Gerraro vs. Batista and “Cowboy” Bob and Randy Orton vs. The Undertaker in a handicap match. Take it for what its worth.
John Gertson ([email protected]) sent along this information:
Hulk Hogan was referred to this morning on ESPNews when comparing him to NASCAR driver Tony Stewart. They said that Hogan was an icon and Stewart was approaching icon status and that each had a big event last Sunday.