Credit for the following news goes to the Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter:
* The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels was interviewed on the Mancow radio show last Thursday morning 3 days before SummerSlam. Shawn was asked if he would have to carry Hogan on Sunday. Michaels said he definitely would and it would be another case of him “going out there with a broomstick and showing why he is the greatest in-ring performer.” When asked if his match with Hogan is the biggest match ever, Michaels said, “Yes, until The Rock comes back and they have HBK vs. The Rock.” When asked if he thought Rock would return, Michaels said, “I think he’s gonna have to.”
* Last Saturday’s edition of the Baltimore Sun newspaper detailed Kurt Angle’s drive to be considered the greatest professional wrestler in the history of the business. “I’m going to do all I can to show people that I’m as good, if not better, than anybody that’s ever been in this business,” Angle said. “I’m looking to go another ten years.” Angle took a shot at Hulk Hogan, saying “When you watch Hulk Hogan, he doesn’t look quite as crisp and sharp and his technique isn’t what mine is,” Angle said. “Not to put down Hulk, but I have to look real because I am real”