Update On Jeff Hardy, Vince Russo, Nikita Koloff, & More

— Former WWF and WCW booker Vince Russo has a new book coming out titled Forgiven. It’s scheduled to hit shelves on September 28, 2005.

— Nikita Koloff has begun working on his autobiography. There are no other details on it at this time.

— www.HollymoodEntertainment.com sent word today that there’s under 200 copies remaining of the second printing of ‘101 Reasons Not To Be A Pro Wrestler’ and the DVD has been getting great reviews online so it’s expected to sell out soon. You can order the DVD at http://www.hollymoodentertainment.com/order.htm while copies of the DVD are still available.

— When Jeff Hardy pitched the idea to TNA of wrestling under his other name, he was originally under the impression that they accepted the idea. However, TNA wants Jeff Hardy on TV for his name value, not “Willow the Whisp”.