Jeff Hardy recently appeared on Between the Ropes radio show and gave his own opinion on the Edge-Lita-Matt Hardy situation.
Jeff said that although his brother likely knew he was always going back to WWE, it was wrong to waste TNA’s time and string them along. Numerous TNA officials are understandably unhappy considering they spent time with Hardy and planned out potential angles for his planned debut.
Jeff Hardy also says he couldn’t defend Matt’s behavior in the last several months and was upset at his brothers comments on Byte This! that he was closer with Lita and Jeff.
Hardy also said he didn’t want to get involved in the situation, but was literally forced by his brother to leave nasty voicemails on Edge and Lita’s phone.
Jeff also noted that he considered quitting the business after his performance against Abyss at Against All Odds where he botched the big table spot at the end.