Special Message For SoCal Wrestling Fans

The newest surge in sports wrestling entertainment is slamming into the Southland on Friday, September 30 at the Industry Hills Expo Center GRAND ARENA.

Come down and witness live; pulse pounding, jaw jacking, high

flying, back breaking action as NoDQ.com, Jack Radio, and Wahooâs debut the new edge in sports wrestling entertainment: Adrenaline Unleashed.

Adrenaline Unleashed brings a high end production, top rate West Coast-based roster of talent (TV recognized included), inside of a new platform to do battle in for your entertainment.

Stay tuned here for more info, and also visit http://www.adrenaline-unleashed.com, http://www.nodq.com, and http://www.myspace.com/jeffmeacham.

Also, with the attached flyer, you can save $5 on admission ($2 for children)

Click here to download the flyer