HHH & Shawn Michaels Trash CM Punk Backstage

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

— CM Punk was trashed backstage recently by Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Michael Hayes after watching one of his matches. The main thing they put against him was that they thought he didn’t know how to get over, and that he wrestlers like he’s doing a simulated wrestling match, not working a wrestling match.

Due to Paul Heyman’s liking for him, it was first thought that he would do OK backstage in WWE. However, with Paul Heyman’s pull in WWE decreasing at the hands of Stephanie McMahon, this may not help him as much as people once thought.

Some backstage observers claim that no matter what Punk did in the ring, they still would have been down on him. Simply because he’s an unknown who isn’t physically impressive and doesn’t have a gimmick that he can use to get over yet


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