(Spoilers) Friday Night SmackDown! Taping Results

Thanks to Cesar & PWInsider.com for the following:

The Dark Match saw Sylvain Grenier defeated luchador and former ECW star Antifaz in a short match. Crowd popped for Antifaz.

Velocity spoilers for WWE.com:

Right before Velocity started, Tony Chimmel introduced Stacy Kiebler as the special ring announcer.

The team of Nunzio and Vito defeated Paul London and Spanky (introduced as Brian Kendrick). Nice back and forth match. Nunzio pinned Paul London with the outside help of Vito.

Simon Dean defeated an indy worker in a short match.

In Velocity’s main event Chris Benoit defeated William Regal with the Crippler Crossface. Very nice chain-wrestling match. Regal applied several submission moves and gave Benoit a sick suplex on the outside of the ring. Big pop for Benoit.

Friday Night Smackdown:

JBL comes out dressed with a sombrero, Zarape, and a lifesaver; pulling a donkey and with a bottle of tequila. While disrespectful, he looked pretty funny. He talked about how he talked with Rey Mysterio’ relatives who unlike him had no green card, and went on and on about illegals. Then, they introduced his tag partner Ken Kennedy who came out to talk to the donkey and calling him Tony Chimmel, told him he had no talent as a ring announcer. Mysterio came out to a new theme song along with his tag partner Hardcore Holly. Good match with Mysterio taking most of the bumps. During the match, Kennedy didn’t take headscissors from Mysterio well and fell too late, which didn’t look good. I’m sure they’ll edit that. Match ended after Kennedy was choking Holly from the outside of the ring and, when he let him go, Holly turned around to receive the Clothesline from Hell.

They announced a match for tonight, Batista and Eddie Guerrero vs. LOD. They show Eddie in the back eating Mexican food, when Batista arrives and tells him he shouldn’tt eat that since he still looked pale from the previous week. Batista ends up taking the food from Eddie and eating it himself.

Melina is shown on the outside of the arena when Christy Hemme arrives riding a Harley. Melina complains about the noise and when she tries to hit Christy, she accidentally hits the helmet and breaks a nail which upsets Melina. That sets up a match between both divas. The Match was an OK Divas match. Christy looks a lot better in the ring. The match ended when Johnny Nitro interfered and Melina pinned Christy. Christy attacked Melina and before MNM (Plain and Peanut) gave Christy the snapshot, LOD hit the ring to make the save. Heidenreich came with the best Papa Shango make-up impersonation I’ve seen.

A promo announced an upcoming match between the Undertaker and Cowboy Bob Orton. They showed last week’s incident where Taker was in the coffin instead of the mannequin. After commercial, Cowboy Bob comes out and cuts a promo on how he doesn’t need Randy’s interference to defeat the Undertaker. The Undertaker music gets a big pop and out comes the dead man. Just as the match starts, Undertaker shoots Orton towards the corner only to bump the ref. Then Cowboy Bob gives Undertaker a low blow and out came Randy Orton. Both Ortons attacked the Undertaker and briefly revived the ref for a two count. Undertaker came back and pushed Randy Orton when he tried to give him the RKO. Match ended with the Tombstone piledriver on Cowboy Bob Orton and Undertaker picking up the ref by the belt in a very funny spot to revive him and get the three count.

They showed the No Mercy commercial announcing the following matches:

Randy Orton vs. Undertaker


Rey Mysterio vs. JBL

Eddie Guerrero vs. Batista

Bobby Lashley defeated a local worker. After match ended, Simon Dean came to the ring to offer Lashley one of his drinks and announce another No Mercy match between them. Lashley stepped on his drink spilling it in the ring and beat Dean.

The Ring was set for the Peep Show. Christian asked people in the audience who understood to raise their hand. He cut a promo on how he pinned Chris Benoit and he deserved a U.S. championship match. Booker T (with Sharmell) comes out and cuts a promo on why he deserves a championship match. Out comes Orlando Jordan to say he deserves a championship match to which Christian tells him what he just said took him longer that a match with Chris Benoit. Teddy Long comes out to announce that he is going to let Benoit choose his opponent and to let them prove themselves, a three-way is scheduled right away. Good match with Orlando getting the pin on Booker. Benoit’s music hit and out comes the Crippler. He first makes fun of Orlando telling him that he finally won. After teasing a match with each of the three he sets a fatal four way match for No Mercy.

Backstage, they show Teddy Long talking to Palmer Cannon when Vince McMahon arrives in Long’s office. He wants to know what the match for Homecoming is going to be. Long says that JBL, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, Christian and Batista will participate but between him and Vince, they say the match stipulation will be a surprise. The network exec tries to kiss up to Vince to no avail.

In the first main event, LOD faced Eddie Guerrero and Batista. This time, Eddie actually wrestled and got a pop from the crowd. Eddie came out to new music, I guess to set how he doesn’t lie, cheat or steal anymore. Match started with Eddie and Heidenreich (with the Papa Shango makeup) wrestling and Eddie giving Heidenreich a low blow. Match was a good back and forth match with no signs of Eddie turning heel. Batista gives Heidenreich the Batista bomb and Animal makes the save. Right then, MNM hit the ring and hit Animal with a chair, followed by Heidenreich. Eddie and Batista fought MNM off, with Batista giving Nitro a spinebuster.

Eddie tried hitting Mercury with a chair but he ducked and gave the chair shot instead to Batista in the back. Before Batista turned around, Eddie threw the chair to Mercury and then pretended to be hit and laid in the ring. Batista rose to give another spinebuster to Mercury. Eddie sold that he had been hit for a while and then both Batista and Guerrero kept raising each other hand.

Teddy Long came out and showed Batista how Eddie actually hit him with the chair and set up an advance of the No Mercy match. First Eddie tried to explain but then hit Batista with the microphone. After a few minutes, Eddie grabbed a chair and walked to the back to lose via countout. Smackdown ended with Batista posing for the crowd for a while.


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