Piper’s Sock vs. Foley’s Mister Socko, WWE Getting Plugged

Credit: PWInsider.com

There is an interview with Roddy Piper on WWE.com about him interviewing Mick Foley on Piper’s Pit at WWE Homecoming next Monday. Piper said that if Foley planned to Mister Socko next week, he would whip out a plaid sock named Nessy.

During last night’s airing of The Office, NBC ran a WWE Homecoming promo. The NBC Universal synergy is working in WWE’s favor, something that Viacom and Spike TV never followed through with. With them controlling the advertising, it’s in their best interest to help WWE.

Also, WWE has been keeping a huge surprise for the Homecoming show next week under wraps. For more information on this huge *spoiler* – click here