Rey Mysterio Dissapointed, Feels He Has Let Fans Down

Credit: Newsletter

In a recent interview with the UK’s Sun newspaper, Rey Mysterio revealed that he was disappointed with his match he had at the ECW “One Night Stand” pay-per-view against Psicosis.

“I wish I came more prepared for that bout. The fans came to see an ECW match and I let them down,” Mysterio said. “They wanted to see Rey Mysterio Jr. doing the moves he did back in ECW, not the 619. If there is a second ECW PPV, I’m going to give the fans exactly what they saw in 1998 and 1999.”

Mysterio was then questioned as to TNA needs to incorporate more psychology into the in-ring product. “They need to control the excitement and leave people wanting to come back and see more,” Mysterio said about the X Division. “You’ve got to have a distinguished character for the fans to realize who you are. Once you’ve done that, you can go out there and bust out all your moves… Some of the cruiserweights still don’t get that.”


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