RAW/USA Troubles?, SD! Storylines Revealed, & More

Thanks to Michael Tavares & PWInsider.com for the following:

For the 10/24 Smackdown house show in Davis, CA, WWE is advertising Batista takes on Eddie Guerrero for the World Heavyweight Title, so their feud will probably be continuing past No Mercy, and Rey Mysterio vs. JBL.

Thanks to Joe Otero for the following:

If the Yankees and Red Sox have a one game playoff, the game will be on ESPN on Monday night. Obviously, that would give USA and WWE fits. However, if Cleveland, Yankees, and Red Sox all finish with the same record, the Yankee playoff game will be on Monday afternoon. The loser of that game will then play the Indians on Tuesday afternoon. That would keep everyone happy.

Thanks to Andrew Hickey for the following:

I live in Brooklyn and couldn’t find an Ultimate Warrior DVD in any store in my area. A person at one store even laughed and said, “You’re the hundredth person to come in here today asking for this thing. We can’t keep them in stock.” I then checked my queue list on NetFlix and I can’t even rent it from them because it’s a “long wait”. That’s unheard of on NetFlix because whenever I want to see any newly released DVD, I get them ASAP.


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