Even More Details On Major RAW Changes Coming

Source: The Wrestling Observer

We have more information on the current announce team situation for RAW.

Mike Goldberg, current announcer for UFC, has been contacted by WWE and asked about replacing Jim Ross on the announce booth. Goldberg has been telling friends in UFC that he will be taking the offer. His friends in UFC have told him that it is going to be a very tough position to fill. Goldberg does not watch pro wrestling and really has no knowledge of the product.

Goldberg will not be doing the PPV tomorrow night but it has nothing to do with WWE as he has had prior commitments that were well known before this.

As of this time, we are not sure if Mike has signed the contract or not. As for when he is starting, we’re told it is imminent so if he signs before Monday it could begin as soon as this week.

It’ll be interesting to see where this goes but this is a major topic of discussion among many within WWE. WWE will likely portray the move as a way to boost ratings and viewership for people who will be watching RAW Unlimited on the internet. Jim Ross is currently slated to take over that.

In case you’re wondering, not very many people believe this move makes much sense