Victoria Posing Nude In Playboy?, Bret Hart, Jericho-WWE

Partial Source: The Observer

Bret Hart will be appearing in Port Huron, MI on 11/19 at the Blue Water Championship Wrestling show.

U.K newspaper The Sunday Life has an article with Chris Jericho today. The article claims that Chris has no intentions of returning to pro wrestling right now and that touring with Fozzy is his life.

The Ottawa Sun today has a story with Victoria where she noted she didn’t like doing Bra and Panties matches on live WWE TV because her nieces and nephews watched. When asked about posing for Playboy, she said she doesn’t know what her answer would be. She said “I’m insulted that I haven’t been asked. Hugh Hefner doesn’t know what he’s missing under these clothes.” Candice Michelle is rumored to be posing nude in Playboy before WrestleMania 22 next year.

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