Even More Eddie Guerrero Feedback – 300+ Emails

Note: There are over 300 MORE emails posted below! THANK YOU!!!

As promised, your Eddie Guerrero feedback is posted below. More will be coming. Thanks to ALL of you who sent this in. This is absolutely an amazing amount of feedback from all of you. We appreciate your comments and continued support. Some of these brought me to tears.

From: “Fazzi, Stephen A.”

In a profession like wrestling, the fans form bonds with the

performers. That is why something like Eddie’s passing is so difficult. Eddie

always put on a good match for us. Even on his final Smackdown!, Eddie was

the wrestler that we have all come to know and love. Thank you Eddie

for all the years of lying, cheating, and stealing. You will be missed

by us all.

From: “Kelly Edwards”

A legend has passed but will not be forgotton. Another star will shine bright tonight.

Sleep well latino heat, we had the pleasure of seeing you in the ring, you are truely a star.

From Mark, Kelly, Alesha & Joel Baker, manchester, U.K

From: ZiM1021@aol.com

Eddie was one of my favorite wrestlers. He was too young to pass on and I still can’t believe he was taken away. My deepest condolences to his family, friends, and to everyone whose heart was touched by this superstar.

Paul – Staten Island, NY

From: “Michael Okrent”

Eddie Guerrero was an amazing athlete, charismatic and passionate. People say he was on borrowed time, but he still had so much to give to wrestling and his family. He left us all too soon and his passing comes as a shock. He had hit rock bottom, but was able, with the help of Christ, to pick himself up and not only improve himself, but climb the mountain top. As a fan, I am proud of not just Eddie the wrestler, but of the man he was as well. Thank you Eddie for the memories and for sharing yourself with the world. You’ll be missed and never forgotten.

-Mike Okrent, Bronx NY

From: “Bryan Owoh”

i dont know what to say really. eddy is one of the funniest and most

taltnted wrestlers i have ever watched and an inspiration to me because

i an

currently struggling with an addiction and in his honour i will try


harder to stop.

what saddens me so much more was reading news that he could have

started his

second title reign this week on smackdown and watching the happiness in


eyes after his first title win in wrestlemania 20 i wished it would



but it pains me to say that it never will

rest in peace eddy. you will be missed

From: “Rott N Korpse”

I left my name of by accident and would like for you guys to post mine as “From: Michael Tunnell” not by my nickname…thanks. much appreciation for what you guys are doing..with letting everyone show what the feel about eddie on your site.

– Rott N Korpse

From: “Debra Banks”

It is hard to even put into words how I feel right now about one of the greatest man, and one of the greatest wrestlers alive.When I heard the news of Eddie’s passing it was a total shock to me. I felt sad inside because I knew that wwe had lost one of the best in the business. I will never forget Eddie and what he has done over the years to give his fans a 100 percent for the career he loved so much. My condolences go out to his family as well as everyone at wwe. Eddie I know is looking down on us, and I just want him to know that he will never be forgotten.



From: “steve solet”

i was stunned to say the least im fixing to start training for prowrestling and i was on the phone with a local independent wrestler and he told me to get all my latino heat stuff together i was wondering what he was talking about i thoght he wanted to borrow some of my stuff or something but he gave me the news of eddies passing and i was totally blown away cause i was just hanging up a picture of me and eddie that i had taken when i had the honor to meet him at an autograph appearance in virginia when he was the world champion and now that will be a memory that i will cherish forever and i will truly miss eddie one thing that sticks out in my mind is that i was so star struck when i met him but someone had told eddie that i was training to be a wrestler someone i was in line with at the autograph session and eddie said yeah he looks like a wrestler that will forever be cherished in my heart every single time i train or workout i will truly miss eddie guerrero and my heart truly go out to his family my closing words to this statement will have to be the words i told eddie when i first met him and thats odalayyyyyyyyyyyyyy homes STEVE SOLET

From: “mike mcdermott”

I have been a wrestling fan for 15 yrs. now, I have shed tears and have unfortunately seen the untimely deaths of too many great people in this business. The loss of Eddie Guerrero will not only affect his friends, family, and boys in the back, but the entire wrestling community as a whole. Tonight on Raw, we will all mourn the loss of a great man, and I know when the 10 bell salute comes, I will be standing in silence, paying respect to a man who not only deserved love and respect as a wrestler, but as a great human being amongst us all. Thank you Eddie for everything you gave us, you will always be loved and missed in this wrestling fans heart.

From: “Cunningham, Jarrett (Encompass)”

I would like to extend my condolences and prayers to all of the WWE staff and personnel, workers, wrestlers, the fans who support them and the Entire Guerrero family.

We have truly lost a great icon in this business. From the days of ECW, to WCW, to the WWE. This man has done it all. From Extreme wrestling, to going down south to WCW and his classic matches and going up north to where he became a huge star as Latino Heat. We will all miss Eddie Guerrero. Who can ever forget when he started with the Radicalz, to his love for Chyna, to his lying, cheating, and stealing his way to major championships, to find out that he was Dominick’s father (storyline only), to his “new found friendship” with Batista-mind you only for us fans, not the writers who turned him back into the man we all knew and loved with his low-riders and VIVA-LA RAZZA. I saw gold for him this week with the current issue with Batista’s injury and the World Championship but it turns out that instead of wearing gold which would be temporary, he now will be able to walk the streets of gold with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ which is forever! May God continue to bless all who have been touched by Eddie’s performance in and out the ring. God Bless.

From: BAHARule@aol.com

Eddie Guerrero is a great lose to the wrestling world and community and will be missed by millions all over the globe, but most importantly he was a husband and father and it is an injustice that someone so u young and a person like eddie has been prematurely taken away.

RIP Eduardo Guerrero

From: “Chris Honcharik”

It is very shocking that Eddie has passed away. He was taken away from us at to young of an age. He was not only a great wrestler, but a great person too. Not only did he have excellent in ring abilities, but also was able to draw in the crowd on a weekly basis which is difficult to accomplish. For anyone to overcome their personnel demons and succeed like Eddie did is truly amazing. Most people would fail, but Eddie did not. He will truly be missed by everyone. May his memories live in the hearts and mind of all for ever.

Chris, Towson Maryland

From: “Original Dutty”

Definitly a black day for all wrestling fans. Eddie Guerrero was my Favorite wrestler face or heel. Especially as a heel. There is not doubt the he was one of the greatest wrestlers to step into the ring. He was the main reason why I watched Smackdown! Irreplaceable. Latino Heat! Viva La Raza!!!!!!

From: “Jackie Dill

I am really going to miss Eddie G. very much. He was a great performer and wreslter.

From: “Sam Johnson”

Eddie was one of the very best ever and brought a lot of happiness to a lot of people. In an era of Cena’s, Batista’s, Sandman’s and five-minute matches Eddie was like a beacon for all fans of wrestling. He will be sorely missed for evermore.

Sam Johnson

From: “Cortney Hodges”

Eddie was a great wrestler. when i first found out about eddie i had to like check all my sites i go to. all said the same thing. its gonna be hard to not to live with Latino heat in our homes. Eddie was one of those wrestlers who even has a bad character he touched us. Eddie surely will not be forgotten. He had given great memories. God Bless Eddie and his family

From: “Mitun Patel”

Eddie was a great guy, and I am going to missed him alot because I love the entertainment that he provided to the fans. I remember that he let me sit in one of his lowrider when he came here in Columbus, Ga, I really enjoyed be in that classic lowrider. I went to see all of his matches from the WCW era to the WWE.

R.I.P Eddie Guererro

From: “john cena”

Eddie was my favourite superstar for the 3 years ive been watching


now this happens its just unbeleavable. i just saw him yesterday on

samckdown then the next day i hear he is dead.

R.I.P eddie

From: “TiTy f***”

I Cant believe this happened,when i read online yesterday that Eddie passed away i couldnt believe myself,i love Eddie ever since he wrestled in wcw and when he came to the WWE i was soo glad that he would get to compete against other great wrestlers,and when he won the title i was sooo happy he reached the top,i got so much memories of Eddie that i will never forget and i know millions would agree with me on this…




From: “Rott N Korpse”

Even though I never actually met Eddie he was a huge inspiration through is addictions and struggles overcomming them all and changing his life for the better. I would have loved to meet Eddie if only for 5 seconds because I know it would have been a wonderfull experience. Eddie will be missed by millions of wrestling fans if not by ALL wrestling fans. I have watched him from WCW and then watched old tapes of his ECW days and followed him from WWE to Indies back to the WWE. I know in my heart that Eddie was one of the greatest wrestlers of all time and that his sudden passing will impact us all. I for one am not going to let him stop inspiring me. I have always wanted to become a wrestler but never thought I could actually do it…I wish he wouldnt have died but I am going to use his death as inspiration to not be afraid and to try my hardest and my best to become something I have always wanted to be. If Eddie can suffer through drugs and other addictions then I can work to become a great wrestler and hopefully will be able to express to his family one day that I am where I have always wanted to be thanks to Eddie. Also as a tribute to Eddie I will be doing this task “straight edge”. We love you, Eddie…and I wish there wasnt a reason to write this email.

From: “Robert Foot”

I can not believe it all. Eddie Guerrero, an all time great, very


and a wrestler of which I will never forget. You will be missed greatly


us all.

May you rest in peace Eddie.

From: “Matilda Padilla”

I grew up with the Guerrero family by way of the wrestling world. Wrestling has always been big here in Houston Texas with all the Legends making their way through the now demolished Sam Houston Coliseum. I didn’t always agree the the story lines that were given to Eddie, but always enjoyed seeing him in WWE and knowing that I was there in the beginning along with millions of wrestling fans. He was in a way the connection between the past and the future and the world was a better place with him in it. Rest in Peace….You did well Eddie.

brokenhearted in Houston

From: Numb1029@aol.com

Eddie Guerrero will be in the mind and hearts of all of us true wrestling fans. A well define athetle who earn our respect. Whether he was the very bad vicious guy around or the well loved by everyone guy he still was a true star. My heart goes out to Chavo, the one always close to him on the road most of the time, and to all of his family. We fans know how you are feeling right now cause it feels like we lost a member of our families ourselfs cause we got used to see Eddie every Friday on Smackdown.

Thanks Eddie for all the matches and all the memories and for represent the Latino name in that industry. Very proud of all of your work.

You will be very, very, very, very missed….


(Puerto Rico)

VIVA LA RAZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: “Hallas Family”

I can’t believe it. i sit here with a heavy heart. my prayers go out to the wwe lockerrooms and to the guerrero family. we lost amazing performer and amazing person. good bye latino heat and viva la razza

From: “Kristofer Prowse”

i couldnt believe it when i read what happened to eddie yesterday i was in total shock my thoughts and prayers go out to all of eddie’s friends and family. it is truely a sad day in the world of wrestling. Wrestlemania XX will forever be remembered. The lyin’ cheatin’ and stealin’ he used to retain the title against Kurt Angle where he lossened his boot and then they end was just an amazing sight to of the best friends Eddie and Chris Benoit standing in the ring the 2 champions of the world. RIP Eddie Guerrero a great superstar and a true legend to the sport of wrestling.

Kris Prowse

From: “Gabriel Gonzalez”

I am deeply sorry that this had to happen, I don´t know what was the reason of death, but I, as a wrestling fan, as a mexican, and as a fan of Eddie Guerrero, can only offer my condolences for the Guerrero family in this tragic moment, I remember seen Eddie Guerrero in his early days of wrestling in Mexico, and he´s one of the first wrestlers that I ever layed my eyes upon.

Wrestling will definetly not be the same without him, his charm, style and incredible charisma will be missed.


Gabriel González.

From: “Travis Sikes”

Wow what words can be said about the GREAT Eddie Guerrero. There is


no words that can discribe how great he was in the ring. Anyone who


Eddie wrestle knew how special he really was to the wreslting business.


watch Eddie from the time he was in the ECW. Once I saw him I knew how

great of a wrestler he would be I have since watched tapes of him

wrestlingin Mexico.I would like to send out my love and support to his

friends and family God Bless you all.

Sincerly Travis E. Sikes

From: “Paul Bishop”

God bless you Eddie Guerrero. Thanks for all the memories and all the matches over the years. You are without doubt one of the greatest in ring performers of all time and you’ll be greatly missed.

Your probably already causing mayhem in the squared circle in the sky and you’ll totally deserve your spot amoung the greats of this business.

Can’t believe we’ll never see you again on WWE TV but you’ll always live on in the hearts and minds of all wrestling fans.

Rest In Peace Latino Heat

From: “Adler, Michael”

I cannot express the sunken feeling I felt when I opened the main page of Wrestlezone Sunday night and read the news of Eddie. My heart broke and feel into my feet. I am still shocked and here it Monday at 2pm. I look forward to seeing the WWE pay tribute tonight on Raw and Friday on Smackdown. I am sure Eddie was loved and I cannot imagine the sadness the boys in locker room must feel. My heart and my wives heart goes out to his wife and his three young girls. Also I will be keeping Chavo in my prayers. I know you miss you Uncle Eddie and I am sure he is proud of you getting in that ring and carrying on your family name. The wrestling world will miss you Eddie. I will miss watching you. I today feel honored I got to see you do your thing in person on more than one occasion. For that I thank you! R.I.P Eddie!

M. Benjamin Adler

From: “Josh Friedman”

He overcame so many demons to get to this point in his

career: drugs, alcohol, and others. He was at the top

of his game and could entertain like no other. I never

got to meet the man, but I’ve seen him live countless

times, and only now do I appreciate how unique and

talented he was. The last time I saw Eddie live, or at

least the last memories I will have of him, was at

Summerslam 2005 at the M.C.I. Center with my parents

and uncle. Eddie faced Rey Mysterio in one of the

greatest ladder matches I’ve ever had. Although Eddie

lost, the crowd gave him a standing ovation for his

effort, for his putting his body on the line to

entertain. Eddie, you will truly be missed. Rest In Peace.

–Josh Friedman


From: “Travis”
Wow what words can be said about the GREAT Eddie Guerrero. There is really no words that can discribe how great he was in the ring. Anyone who watched Eddie wrestle knew how special he really was to the wreslting business. I watch Eddie from the time he was in the ECW. Once I saw him I knew how great of a wrestler he would be I have since watched tapes of him wrestlingin Mexico.I would like to send out my love and support to his friends and family God Bless you all.

Sincerly Travis E. Sikes

From: RPG810@aol.com

I was in complete and utter shock yesterday when I found out about the death of Eddie Guerrero. I just can’t believe with all the near-death experiences that Eddie has had, he dies over something that he had no control over. I was looking forward to seeing Eddie when I attend the Survivor Series show, but obviously he is not gonna be there. My condolences go out to all of his family and friends. I still can’t believe it. Viva La Raza forever.

Ryan Gunns Sterling Heights, MI

From: “Wated Jhonny”

En este momento me acabo de enterar de la lamentable

muerte de Eddie Guerrero…en estos momentos tengo un

nudo en la garganta y un hueco en el corazon no se que

mas escribir…. solo quiero darle mis mas profundos y

sentido pesame a la familia y allegos de este gran

luchador y persona como lo fue DON EDDIE GUERRERO PAZ

EN SU TUMBA y que descance en paz….

Johnny W.

Guayaquil – Ecuador

From: “Kendle Truthwaite”

I was in shock this morning when I found out. I can not believe that

Eddie is gone. He was a awesome wrestler and he will never be forgot.



From: XxXWID0WSPEAKXxX@aol.com

I adored Eddie and anyone who knows me well enough knows that. My inspiration to watch wrestling again may not be on this earth anymore and I don’t know about anyone else, but I can still feel him in my heart. He’s in a better place now though and whatever suffering he was going through is no more. I wish his wife and kids the best of luck in life without him. RIP Eddie.

Brittany from California

From: “Liam McCausland”

what can i say? eddie was the reason i watched SmackDown! for two


he was to me the most entertaining man ever to step in a WWE ring,


a wrestling ring. He is one of my heroes, and my world, even though i

never met him, will be a little more empty without him.

viva la raza siempre, adios hombre

From: benshaw15@aol.com

Eddie Guerrero was my favourite wrestler for the last 8 years….He was in my opinion the greatest superstar to lace up his boots.

He is now in a better place with loads of mamacitas and low riders hehe….

RIP Eddie Guerrero…The Best Wrestler Ever

From: “Christoper Martin”

Eddie Guerrero gave his life to entertain us. To die so young is a

heartbreaking tragedy, but he did what he set out to do in life. He

inspired people with his comeback story, overcame odds, entertained

us, made us laugh, and now made us cry. One of the greatest men to

ever step inside the ring… he’ll be missed severely.

From: Leewood83@aol.com

I was shocked and unbelievably upset at the untimely death of Eddie Guerrero. He overcame so many demons to become one of the most entertaining WWE superstars ever.

We’ll miss you Eddie I bet he is lying cheating and stealing in heaven right now.

Thanks for everything Eddie you have given us over the years. You’ll be greatly missed.

From: “Chastity”

I have been watching Eddie Gerrero since 1998 when he was in WCW. It is a major shock that he is gone. He was a great attribute to WWE and he will be missed greatly. My prayers go out to his family and the rest of wrestlers who worked with him each and every day. God Bless!!!

Chastity Etheridge

Baton Rouge, LA

From: Miyagiman@aol.com

I have been a wrestling fan for over 40years and the passing of Eddie Guerrero has really hit home. My sympathy to his family and co-workers, and friends.

People forget that when these wrestlers are out of the ring, they are just ordinary people like us.

I hope Chavo comes back to keep the Guerrero Family name out there.

Tom Kahara

From: “Gavin Coyne”

eddie was the first wwe superstar to stop and talk to me and shake

hands /

sign an autograph at my first event in belfast four years ago which


alot to me i will miss him alot with his cheeky smile and shimmy .

to sum him up he lied , he cheated and he stole our hearts

god rest eddie , viva la raza

gav . c

From: “Jarrick Bellido”










From: “Josh Sieg”

To me I honestly feel that Eddie is going to be one of the missed wrestlers there is. I remember one time at a WWE house show, I seen Eddie wrestle, and he threw his shirt in the crowd and I caught it. Also that same night after he was done wrestling, there was this girl that was screaming and said “Eddie its my birthday, hug me!” and I remember seeing Eddie turn and smirk, and then act like he was gonna walk away and then he turned all the way around, walked back and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and a hug and told her happy birthday. Then he walked around ringside about 4 times making sure everyone that wanted to give him a high five could. Within 10 minutes that night I realized and seen how Eddie wasnt just a wrestler out there to wrestle, he was out there to make his fans happy and it proved he loved every minute of what he did. He will be missed and NO ONE in this history will ever be able to pull off his hilarious cheating tactings, especially his ghost bump chair shot! R.I.P. You will never leave the minds or soul of the ring, the wrestlers or the fans!


From: “Anthony Bersaglia”

Eddie Guerrero too me was one of the greatest wrestlers I have ever

seen. I

remember when him and Chris Jericho had their feuds in WCW. One of


classics that I remember was from the last Clash of the Champions.

Eddie had

been getting the upper hand on Jericho in the weeks following the Clash


the Champions. I was a huge Jericho fan at that time, and I wanted to


him beat Eddie, because Eddie kept using his “cheating” tactics to get


best of Chris. That match at the Clash is one to remember. I remember


the match, Eddie attacked Jericho, and then did the Frog Splash onto


with the belt laying across Jericho’s stomach. Eddie made other


great. The Love that he had for the sport was pure and geunie. It will


really sad to see that we will not see the Frog Splash any more. Eddie


be missed, but he will never be forgotten.

-Anthony- Louisville, Kentucky

From: “Luke”

To me eddie was one of the best, he will be truly

missed a legend of our time. May God bless

Luke Houston tx

From: “Casey Gonzales”

In this business, you have friends and acquaintances.” Eddie wasn’t just an acquaintance, he wasn’t just a friend, he wasn’t just la raza. EDDIE WAS FAMILIA. Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart.

Eddie Guerrero..

You’ll Never Walk Alone.

-Casey G. (Chicago)

From: SoxSuk5150@aol.com

Eddie was one of a kind. Like his dear friend Chris Benoit, Eddie was like a well oiled machine in the ring. He will truly be missed by family, friends, co-workers and most of all the fans. Rest in peace Eddie. We’ll miss you

From: “Rolando Vargas”

From his start in Mexico, to his days as Black Tiger in Japan, to his


with Art “Love Machine” Barr as Los Gringos Locos, I’ve always been a


Eddie Guerrero Fan, and will always be. when i got to my house last


and came to wwe.com, it broke a part of me to learn that the great


Guerrero had past away, I spent hours trying to figure why, what had

happened? i just thought it was a bad dream that sooner or later I was


to wake up from, then I wake up this morning and see that it’s not a


it’s reality. but I’ll always keep my memories of Eddie in my heart,

all of

those incredible matches, countless hours of wrestling, all for love,


the love to this business and the fans. I will never forget that.


you’ll always be the best even now that you’re in heaven wrestling with


greats up there in the Heavenly Arena tagging with your father the


Gory Guerrero, giving 5 star matches and continuing to do what you


wrestle. Even in the sky you are and will continue to be an inspiration


us in the Latino community.

May You R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero – 1967-2005

VIVA LA RAZA! Te Extrañare por Siempre Vato, ORALE LATINO HEAT!!!

From: “Albert, Kevin”

Eddie was one of my top favorite wrestlers of all time, and I’m still shocked to hear this news. I will miss seeing Eddie on SmackDown. I have tickets to go see WrestleMania 22 next year in my home town of Chicago, and I was looking forward to seeing Eddie perform at WM 22. I am planning on wearing an arm band to the event to remember Eddie by. Also when I get my copy of SmackDown vs RAW 2006. In GM mode as GM I will start off the season with Eddie as the World Heavyweight Champion in honor of his passing. I will miss seeing the low rider and the lying cheating and stealing and the frog splash and the three amigos. R.I.P. Eddie you will be missed.

From: “Anna”

You meant so much to all of us

You were special and that’s no lie

You brightened up the darkest day

and the cloudiest sky.

Your smile alone warms hearts

Your life alone was like music to hear

I would give absolutely anything

to have you well and standing near

Not a second passes

when you are not in our minds

Your love we will never forget

The hurt will ease in time

Many tears I have seen and cried

They have all poured out like rain

I know that you are happy now

And looking out on us from that other plain

We Love you Eddie you will truly be missed

Anna Castor

From: NyColombian20@aol.com

Eddie we will always remember you I cant believe that this has happened Eddie you have truly cheated death as you are still alive inside our hearts Rest in piece we love you and will always remember you thankyou for entertaining us the fans I will never forget you

From: XvMajinBladevX@aol.com

Everyday I go the Turnbuckle.com website to checkup on things, and the first thing I saw was the Eddie Guerrero Passing away headline. As soon as I seen that i felt sick in my stomach like it was one of my own family members that died, that’s how much Eddie ment to me.


From: “Christopher Rice”

It’s only been 24 hours since the world has heard. I still can’t believe you’re REALLY gone. We all just watched you on Smackdown friday night. It’s just so surreal. I kept expecting this to turn out to be a sick joke because I just was not ready to accept that Eddie Guerrero, “Latino Heat” was no longer of this earth, no longer would we see him on television when we tuned into WWE programming. Its amazing how someone most of us have never met “stole” his way into our hearts. We’ve been with you for years so in a way it seems like you’ve been a friend for so long. Eddie was an amazing talent. One of the best wrestlers of all time from all era’s. He was fun and entertaining in all ways. And wether we were supposed to cheer or boo him the fans still loved him. Even as a heel Eddie got the “EDDIE! EDDIE! EDDIE!” chants. I think its obvious the fans really loved Eddie. I know I did. Eddie you overcame so many obstacles in your life, you truly are an inspiration to us fans and other wrestlers who were in your shoes. Thank you so much for the memories you’ll be leaving us with. I wish there weren’t JUST memories. There will never be another Eddie Guerrero. We’ll all miss you so much. I think I speak for everyone when I say we love you. RIP. Viva La Raza!

-Chris (Lawrence, KS)

From: “Chris Verra (Boston)”

Eddie Guerro was a great athlete in the wrestling business I saw match with him against Rob Van Damn in a Ladder match and it was probaly one of the best matches I ever seen, and also when he beat Brock Lesner for the WWE title.

From: “Eric B.” <
it saddens me deeply to hear about the untimely death of one of the wwe’s top superstars. i still have a hard time accepting the fact that he is gone at such an early age. he will forever live on in the hearts of many wwe fan. we as a people need to keep his family in our prayers and help them as much as possible to over come this tragic and untimely death. my heart also goes out to the wwe for loseing an angel in the process of getting his wings. may he for ever REST-IN-PEACE. we will never forget him and how he has touched the lives of many.he is and has been a true insperation to those who have battles and struggles in life with pesonal demons that just can’t seem to be shaken. he was a man that seemed to do whatever it took, to strive for excelance thru the power of the holy spirt. As i get ready to close, i just want to say that eddie will truly be missed by all. the shell that onced house his spirt has made an impact not only in professional wrestling but in all of us. brother eddie has now gone on to be with the lord and he is now in a better place. may he live on thru all of us, for we will never forget him. may he rest in pece…………SLEEP ON BROTHER EDDIE. YOU WILL TRULY BE MISSED…..

From Rev Eric B.

baton rouge la,

From: “Mario Javier ruiz”

In Memory of Eddie Guerrero, our “Latino Heat” :

Here I’m writing this in memory of Eddie Guerrero, my model and inspiration to follow. I was a fan of him and I always liked him. I still couldn’t believe that he have left us… I’m extremly sorry, shocked and sad of this tragic event and without hesitating I can say that he’ll be our Champion and our Friend forever.

No one can compare to him, because He loved the people and he love to perform for all, he lived success and defeat… but what matters it’s that he defeated all his demons for the ones that loved and for the people.. not only in the bussiness was a Great person, he was a very lover person in life.

My condolences to his family, his Wie, his daugthers, and every one that touched his heart with Eddie Guerrero Symphaty and love.


Deeply and Sincerely

Mario Ruiz

From: “printess dees”




From: “jcriniti24@gmail.com”

This is just as bad, if not worse than when Owen passed away.


That’s all I come back to is 38. His kids, his wife, the fact that he

had a world title shot at the tapings this week..this sucks!

I was introduced to Eddie Guerrero in the latter of his ECW days and

wasn’t surprised at all when he left for WCW. I always enjoyed


him go from a wrestler to an “entertainer” and could shift between the

two realms whenever needed. His WWE days (at least his ‘second’ tour


duty) have been fun to watch because he seems to have perfected a new

mold where he blends the entertainer with the wrestler in and out of


ring. The “Lie, cheat, and steal” skits with Chavo were some of the

funniest moments I can remember being a wrestling fan of more than 23

years. Every time I see him take the “phantom” chair-shots, they never

get old. Doesn’t matter if he was a heel or a face, it always made me


I can’t say I blame Chris Benoit, Dave Batista, Rey Mysterio, Chavo and

Vince McMahon for taking this as hard as the boards have said they are.

Benoit’s best friend, Batista’s current angle, Eddie’s best friend, his

nephew and his boss all lost a true character and and a greater friend.

This one will be very hard to swallow because Eddie was a main-eventer

and his stock was rising all over again.

x-Jim Criniti

Cleveland, OH

Age 28

From: “Chris Taylor”

Dear Eddie,

I can’t beleive yur gone. It seamed like yesterday you were beating Brock Lesnar for the WWE title. I can’t say that I’ve aken this well and I know you don’t wanna see us crying, you want to see us smiling. You wa nt us to know that your with the Lord now. If you see my grandpa Dub, tell him I said hi and that I love him. Eddie, my next wrestling show is Dec. 2nd in Granite City, but my match that night Eddie, that match is for you. Maybe when I get up there we can put on a show for the angels in God’s ring.

Your wrestling brother,


From: “Todd Lewis”

Eddie was a great man of superb charismatic value and had an


likeness to his personality. His excellence in the ring allowed him to


both babyface and heel roles brilliantly and genuinely. He was a


who surpassed so many objects in life, he truly is a hero for us all to

follow. I send my condolences to his family who must be grieving at


passing but I prefer to celebrate the life of Eddie, rather than mourn


death. I think that’s the attitude he would want us to approach. May


legacy live on and your soul never die. Rest in peace, Eddie Guerrero.

From: scubasteve6875@aol.com

Eddie was an amazing man/wrestler. He gave inspiration to the people and proved that you didnt have to be the biggest to be a champ. He will always be a champ in my eyes and i still cant believe hes gone, I miss him so much and it saddens me deeply, my heart goes out to his wife and his three daughters.

Thanks for the memories Eddie Guerrero.

-Steven Handley

From: “David Hobbs”


I’m from the UK and I’m deeply saddened by Eddie’s sudden death. I can assure you he was popular over here and all fans of WWE who I know are also devistated. Rest In Peace, Latino Heat.

David Hobbs

From: “cathy lapointe”

I think eddie was one of thee best in-ring performers. He made me laugh and at certain points he made me hate his guts but that is what he does. He will ALWAYS be missed

for what he did in the ring and for what he stood for!

From: “Patrick Stapleton”

I am very upset about the passing of Eddie Guerrero. When my friend


me and said it was important I never expected that one of my favorite

wrestlers of all time had passed. He was one of the great stories of

wrestling and one of the great good guys the sport had ever seen. His


match this past Friday really symbolized his “lie, cheat, and steal”

mindset. It was hiliarious when he threw the chair to Mr. Kennedy and


by disqualification. I hope that everyone who was close to him knows


great of a person he was and that he will be missed dearly.

Patrick Stapleton


From: TLTebrugge@lockline.com


My name is Terry Tebrugge. I am from Salina, Kansas. I am 30 years old and have been a fan of professional wrestling since the age of five. I am deeply saddened by the loss of Eddie Guerrero. Eddie meant a great deal to me as a fan. Watching him perform left me with many, many wonderful memories and many, many matches I will never forget. His matches in ECW with Chris Benoit and Rey Mysterio were classics. Even his recent angle with Rey produced some fantastic matches.

Eddie was a phenomenal performer and a joy to watch. I will seeing him on Friday nights very much! My thoughts, prayers, and condolences go out to Eddie’s wife, children, and the entire Guerrero family.

To Eddie, thanks for the moments and memories!! It was truly am honor and privilege to watch a man of your talent!! I will never forget ‘Latino Heat’!

Eddie, you have not died in vain! You are loved and will be missed greatly!

From: MarkusMacBayArea@aol.com

I was lucky enough to have gotten to see Eddie Guerrero live many, many times. I was also privaleged to meet Eddie on 3 different ocasions. I fallowed his career from 1994-2005 and even tho I didn’t know Eddie part of felt like I did. Here are a couple of stand out memories I have of “Latino Heat” Eddie Guerrero.

1.) I believe the first time I saw him live was in 1997. It was SuperBrawl @ the Cow Palace and Eddie took on Jericho. I was exited about this one because at the time it was rare to see to faces go at it. I loved the match and it made me even more of a mark for these 2 athleats.

2.) Halloween Havoc 1997. I flew from Oakland to Vegas for 2 reasons. Eddie vs. Rey, and to see Piper win the gold. Well needless to say only one happend…but shit walking out of MGM Grand Garden Arena. I couldn’t stop talking about what was one of if not the best match I ever witnessed live

3.) Finland. I flew to Finland for a WWE house show back in 2002 and again in 2003. I got to see Eddie both times. Once teaming with Chavo. The second as 1/2 the tag champs with Chavo and U.S. Champ taking on Rhyno. I knew it was Eddie’s birthday…even got his attention durring his match to tell him. At the end of the show the entire locker room piled out Big Show held Eddie on his shoulders and sung Eddie happy birthday while impersonating Hulk Hogan. It was great.

4.) NO WAY OUT 2004. The Cow Palace. An arena I have been attending wrestling shows at for over 20 years, home to some of wrestlings greatest bouts and hundreds of title matches. Yet out of those hundreds, the WWE Championship has only changed hands once here and it was thanks to Eddie. I’ve seen everyone from Superstar, Brody, Race, Flair, Hogan & Piper to Cena, Savage, Bret, Hunter, Rock & Austin electrify this building beyond belief. But when Eddie won the title I thought the damn cieling was going to cave in. I have NEVER seen the Cow Palace ever get that berzerk. I slapped Eddie on his back as he jumped into the crowd congradulating him on what was my alltime favorite feelgood feeling leaving any live event ever. Out of thousands of matches I have seen live this will go down as my favorite one.

5.) 2005. I got to see Eddie wrestle 5 times this year. Rumble, Booker, Rey @ WM21, Rey @ house show & tag team just a little over 2 weeks ago on Smackdown! teaming with “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and Batista against The Ortons & Ken Kenneddy. It’s almost ironic that the “Latino Heat” character was reborn the last time I saw him. I also think it’s almost as if he knew. I got to witness live how Eddie spent the year molding Rey Mysterio into a MAIN EVENT performer. As if he were passing the ball to another overtalented individual, and saying here is the ball, run with it.


-my condolances to the entire Guerrero family and his many friends & fans all over the world


From: “Patrick Maves”

Eddie Guerrero was one of my favorite wrestlers

ever. He was one of the first wrestlers I got to see

perform when I first started watching wrestling back

in 96. He always put on a great match and always

showed plenty of emotion in anything he did for

wrestling, even if it was something he didn’t like. I

even had the priveledge of seeing Eddie Guerrero

perform live at a house show, when he was teaming up

with his nephew Chavo and they took on the Basham

Brothers. The one thing I remember about that match

was Eddie standing on the outside and he kept making

the referee mad by throwing the tag rope in the ring

and trying to make it longer so he could tag Chavo and

the referee just getting mad was really funny.

I’m going to miss him. I know Eddie had some

personal demons bothering him in the past, but he

showed that anyone can become a better person if they

try and work hard to achive it. I’ll never forget


From: “Ben Holt”

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the headline on here “Breaking


Eddie Guerrero Has Passed Away “. I was just shocked and didn’t believe


at first. I still can’t. I thought it was one of his relatives or


not him. Eddie was and will always be a truly great wrestler. Anyone


look up to him, drug addicts, wannabe wrestlers ect. He is a real


even though he is a one time WWE champion. Well done Eddie, once is


than never. You will never be forgotten. All my thoughts and prayers go


the whole Guerrero family and the WWE for giving Eddie a chance.

Thank you.

Rest In Piece Eddie.

You will be missed.

from The Enji Benji

From: “Stro 4ya”


Words from Strozilla

“Eddie Guerrero: Champion of Champions”

Column by Stro formerly Maestro of WCW

Hello everyone. My heartfelt prayers, thoughts, and

condolences go out to the Guerrero family for the

passing of Eddie Guerrero. Words can’t describe the

shock I felt when I got the call from my friend Bam

yesterday after attending a church sevice. ” No, not

Eddie!” was running through my head as my heart sank

instantly. Eddie has been such an inspiration to me.

Seeing him overcome all of his obstacles helped me get

through some of my own tough times. Through the years,

I would always hear great things about Eddie and the

Guerrero family. When I was in Mexico with Jake

Roberts for AAA, Eddie and Art Barr were very much

talked about and used to be amazed by their stellar

matches. Upon arriving in WCW, I had the pleasure of

having my tryout match with Chavo Guerrero Jr. Being

accepted by Chavo,Hector, and Eddie in the lockerroom

was such an honor and meant so much that we would pray

together at some of the events. Hector would always

give me good advice about being real to yourself in

the business and inspire others just as Eddie has

done. His training dedication and his matches with the

likes of Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, etc. would amaze

me. What was more amazing was that he turned his life

around from drug addiction to being one of the

greatest pro wrestling superstars ever. He got his

life straight with his family and went to the top of

the WWE winning the WWE championship from Brock Lesnar

in a match that I wanted to cheer right there with the

fans who attended. When Eddie and Chris embraced at

Wrestlemania the night that both of represented the

best in the company, I was wishing to God above I was

right there celebrating with my friends. Eddie is now

smiling down being a champion in heaven just as he was

on earth. Eddie, I will never forget you brother.

Thank you to Ward Family Promotions for having me

back again this year for their annual “Night of

Superstas” legends show to help the UVA Children’s

Hospital a few weeks ago in Waynesboro, Virginia. It

was great meeting all the fans and the ovation the

maximum capacity crowd gave me that night meant so

much. it was great to catch up with old friends and

meet new faces in the business such as Dusty Rhodes,

Jerry Lawler, the Steiners,Kip(formerly Billy

Gunn),Bob Orton Jr. Roddy Piper, Ivan and Nikita

Koloff, Jimmy Valiant, Bill Dundee, Bill Apter, Al

Snow, Maven, etc. Was honored to find out from Jimmy

Valiant himself that I am in his new book set to be

released everywhere the first of December. Thank you

once again to the great folks of WF Promotions and the

UVA Hospital as I hope to return again next year.

Had a great show this past weekend in Salemsburg,

North Carolina at the legends show for ACPW. Nice to

see Buff Bagwell, Rick Steiner,The Midnight Express,

and Ivan Koloff again. Looking forward to returning

there at Lakewood high School Thanksgiving night

November 24th as one of the big matches will be myself

and Tre- G as team USA defending the ACPW tag team

champions against the Barbarian and “the Queen of

Pain” Naudia in a street fight. You can check out the

ACPW website at http://www.geocities.com/acpwarena .

Gearing up for a big week this week as I will in the

Spindale , North Carolina area from Thursday through

the weekend attending autograph signings, being a

special guest at the EPWT seminar http://www.epwt.com

along with Les Thatcher, Dr. Tom Pritchard, and Harley

Race, and also wrestling the Barbarian in a grudge

match friday night at the Spindale House in Spindale,

North Carolina for NGW (you can email NGW for more

information on the event at ngwmatt@yahoo.com). I plan

on dedicating my match that night to the late Eddie

Guerrero. So stop by if you are in the area.

Tales from the Lair


A few weeks ago I was having dinner with Dusty

Rhodes, Jerry Lawler and his girlfriend in along with

female pro wrestler Naudia in Waynesboro , Virginia.

We were all chatting over dinner about various topics

when Naudia and Lawler’s girlfriend were conversing

about a match that Naudia had recently. Naudia was

telling her about a nasty clothesline she took during

the match. Lawler’s girlfriend misunderstood her and

said “You have nasty toes?”. I thought Dusty was going

to roll out of his chair laughing as did Lawler,

myself, and everyone there. “No nasty

clothesline”..lol. Speaking of Naudia, the 6 ft.

competitor got to take on both formerly Ivory and

Jazz the next night. You can check her website out at


Stro Mailbox


I got to meet you for the first time at Waynesboro VA

this past weekend. I was taken back somewhat to see

so many friendly wrestlers. You guys get a lot of bad

rap. A few bad apples spoil it for the rest. So

thank you for coming.


Stro: You are very welcome Heaven! As far as I know, I

am not scheduled for the April show. Please give

everyone my best and hope to be back at next years

“Night of Superstars” show.

Was great to see you Stro this past Saturday in

Salemburg. Going to go to the Thanksgiving show and

watch you and Tre get revenge on Barbarian and Naudia.


Stro: Thank you Will! It is going to be wild in that

street fight..lol.


When will you be coming back to the west coast?

Harry T.

Stro: I am currently in talks about coming to a show

in Oregon around December. Will let everyone know as

soon as I get more information.

To write feedback for the mailbox section

of the Words from Strozilla column, email to:

wordsfromstrozilla@yahoo.com. Let me hear from you!

If you would like to contribute and send any wrestling

related news and events ,email at :


To book Stro formerly WCW’s Maestro for

appearances,autograph signings,seminars,or for your

pro wrestling event,

email at:


To help out the Red Cross, go to:


or call 1-800-HELP-NOW

Stro Merchandise (New 2006 Stro Calendars on sale now)


Stro wrestling school


Stro fan groups




Thank you guys for taking the time to read my column.

I hope you guys have a great weekend! Please remember

our brave men and women soldiers who risk their lives

for all of us. You all take care of

yourselves and GOD bless!

Stro/formerly WCW’s Maestro

“Nobody can go toe to toe with the Stro!”


From: “Kernel245”

I may have found this out later than most, but the death of Eddie Guerrero shocked me and is something I will never forget. Loving the wrestling business as much as I do, I cannot type the utter sadness and grief I feel after his sudden demise. He was my favorite part of the Smackdown show, and many would agree, this tragedy has hit home with many of us. I thought the wrestling fans had suffered enough tragedy with the also sudden death of Owen Hart, but fate it seems can be quite cruel. My heart felt sympathies go out to his friends and family. I know this is a difficult time, and it will be a scar that will never heal. His death, though untimely, was not in vain. He gave hope to anyone who dared to dream, he succumbed to darkness and was reborn a Christian. He was inspiration in human form and I am sure many who knew him were changed by his sheer triumph. He did indeed cheat death and steal life, and I am sure most feel life was stolen from him. I am touched by the wrestling community. With the memorial shows airing this week, to the wide spread media coverage, I don’t think even Eddie would have know much he will be missed. And when he will be justly added to WWE Hall of Fame, he will have accomplished a great feat that not even those who are living could ever accomplish. So feel better friends, yes this is something that will bring tears to my (and your) eyes whenever thought about, but his legacy will live on, and his life long love of wrestling and it’s fans will never be forgotten. Thank you Eduardo Gory Guerrero, we will never forget waiting out in the cold for hours to just see you. Rest in peace Eddie, no one has earned it quite like you.

From: Edwin_Cuevas@verizon.com.do

Since the first time i saw eddie in a match was in WCW vs Rey Mysterio in Halloween Havoc i saw that magic that inspired a lot wrestlers to follow your step in the amazing world of lucha libre style. His passing thru ECW and last thru WWE were he became the second hispanic wrestler to ever win the WWE championship. This news of his death has left me thinking that we must fulfill our goals and enjoy them to the maximum. In name of Edwin Cuevas (LA ROKA RD) a wrestling fan from the dominican republic we say goodbye to Eddie Guerrero y QUE VIVA LA RAZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: annadeighton20@aol.com


Words cannot describe how much i loved to watch this fine athlete perform in the ring…

My greatest memory is watching Latino Heat defeat Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title at Now Way Out 2004.

R.I.P Eddie

You Will always remain in our hearts!

From: “Ice.”

I will never forget Eddie Guerrero. Everything this guy did in his career was sucessful. He is the only person that I can recall that could immeadiately change himself from the companies top face to top heal in a matter of days because of his suberb demeanor and vocal acting skills. The great thing is that Eddie’s amazing knowledge of how to walk with attitude and how to use a microphone with style were completely eclipsed by his unmatched ability to work with any size of wrestler and make it both exciting and believable. The Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Booker T, Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle all come to mind. Eddie Guerrero was an awesome, exciting and completely underappreciated (considering his overwhelming crowd reactions and underwhelming # of world title reigns) amazing wrestler. This is the hugest loss that the WWE, UPN and wrestling in general has ever suffered. It was way too early. Long live Eddie.


From: “dave goodman”

eddie was the ultimate wrestler,whether he was playing heel or face(i liked him as both)he knew how to entertain the fans at home and in the arenas.I happened to see eddie wrestle and of course he was brilliant ending the match with his trademark move the frogsplash.He is gonna be sorely missed from the wwe.

David Goodman

From: “Sam J : )

I would just like to say how shocked I am about this. I mean, I was on the internet when I found out about it last night, and I just got this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach when I found out. Eddie Guerrero was one of the best and most talented wrestlers to grace the squared circle, and his death, as I’m sure it has many others, has left me in shock, and WWE and Sports Entertainment will never be the same without him. He was an amazing wrestler, who’s skills were always amazing to me, and he bounced back from a rough time in his life, to entertain us and keep us laughing and smiling week after week. I jus hope heaven’s got enough garages to fit all his lowriders in!!!


From: RV11596562356@aol.com

People say you don’t realise how great someone is intill there gone but not in the case of Eddie Guerrero, eddie was without doubt one of the most gifted people ever to set foot in the buisness his in ring skills only matched by few , promo skills as good as anyone around, eddie is special because he did not need a world title belt or a mainevent slot to be a superstar, his passion, desire and talent was enough to make you want to watch him every week whether in the mainevent or the first match on the card, eddie had an emotional connection with the fans very few wrestlers ever have we like Batista we like John Cena but the wwe fans loved Eddie, heel or face when eddie came out he had the respect of everyone. Also to any non wrestling fans making remarks about Eddies past remember this, its not how far you fall its how fast you get up that makes the man, eddie never gave up he fighted his demons intill the very end its just a tragedy we have been robbed of such a gifted person way to early, Eddie guerrero may be dead but he will live in the hearts of all wrestling fans for ever Viva La Raza.

From: JWhyman84@aol.com

this is a very sad day about eddie guerrero im so shocked a great superstar as himself every wk now watchin smackdown i think he come out but not seenin him there anymore it don’t feel right, hope the guerrero family will be ok R.I.P eddie

From: “Omid Hosseini”

My name is Omid.

I find the passing unexpected and sad. It’s such a empty feeling to see


man on Smackdown just one week ago, and then all of a sudden pass away.

Overall, this was a very untimely death.

From: “paul stanton”

to eddies family ,i wish to offer my deepest sympathy in the passing of such a fine wrestler ,he will no doubt be sorely missed throught the united kingdom

From: “Tonya Baldwin”

I want to say as a WWE fan, I want to thank Eddie Guerrero for all that he put into his matches with the WWE. I hope and pray that his family will make it through this hard time. I looked forward every Friday night to see Eddie and see what he was driving. Eddie will be missed by us all. R.I.P. Eddie and thanks for everything.

From: WaltonsMt118@aol.com

I would like to say that Over the years Eddie has entertained me with his in-ring skills and mic skills, Eddie was a phenominal talent and he will be missed as a wrestler and a person,God decided to take Eddie away from us at a very young age and I cant help but wonder what Eddie could have accomplished if he could have stayed with us for another 6 months. I will truly miss Eddie, his wrestling ability and personality will truly be missed…Eddie We all know that you are soaring among the stars now….R.I.P.

~Eric Walton

From: “17034985137”

The good die young, the great die suddenly, every day you live life

after you cheat death is a luxury…. And a blessing, no more pain no more

stressing eddie gurrero’s finally resting. God bless him

From: Nathangkeane@aol.com

I can NOT BELIEVE IT. I heard of this through an email and my jaw droped. i did not believe it. He will be missed. We will never hear IM YOUR PAPI!!! I LIE I CHEAT I STEAL anymore he will be missed. I pray for him his family and everyone who has ever seen him wrestle.

From: “Sam Hernandez”

Eddie Guerrero was a tremendous athlete, competitor, and entertainer.


could tell by watching him in the ring he was giving his all every


time he stepped in the ring. He performed like he was wrestling his


match every match, always giving his all. This is a loss not for WWE

but the

wrestling industry as a whole, there will never be another Eddie

Guerrero i

believe he had that kind of worldwide appeal that superstars and world

champions need to be succesful. He was as popular a world champion as


other in WWE history and he busted his ass to entertain us.






From: “Sam Hunt”

I think it’s a great idea to set up this email address to allow fans from all over to express their saddness over the death of Eddie.What can I say,he was a great talent.Outside of the ring,he overcame everything life put in front of him.I’m glad he was able to find Jesus Christ because now I know for sure I’ll see him someday,and I can’t wait.Eddie was an insperation to all that watched him week in and week out.He will be missed.RIP Eddie,I see you one day!

From: “mason schau”

I’v seen Eddie wrestle 4 times in person and he was great everytime.


Easter 2004 Smackdown had a houseshow at the Qwest center in Omaha. I


my girlfriends son to it. It was a great show as always and at the end

Eddie, John Cena, Rikishi and Chavo all came out and and did a little


and then walked around the ring shaking everyones hands. Eddie came

over to

us gave everyone high fives and even talked to the kids. I still think

Eddie’s reign of WWE Champion was way too short. He should have been


the belt again. Everyone got into his thing whether it was a low rider


his dance or the frogsplash. He will be remembered fondly amongst WWE


and it should be well noted that the WWE should have NO excuse not to


Eddie into the Hall of Fame at this years Wrestlemania. Thanks for the


shows Eddie. You will be remembered.

From: “exist2inspire”

I always used to love to watch Eddie wrestle and as a heel or face always liked him. He always had some way to entertain me. Rest In Peace Eddie Guerrero.

From: “charles wymer”

we will all love and miss you Eddie. you were a wrestling legend and i cant wait till you are inducted into the hall of famer. i couldnt wait till you won the world heavyweight title. R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero

From: “Scott Biggar”

I want to start by paying instant tribute to Eddie Guerrero. I was absolutely stunned when my friend called and told me of his passing last night. I am still stunned. Being an avid wrestilng fan for 16 years or so, it pains me to see these guys lose their lives like it were my own friends. Eddie was one of the best modern day “old school” wrestlers, which is my thing….I’m not one for the big muscle-head talentless wrestlers. I first saw Eddie wrestle in the mid-90s when entering WCW and followed him pretty closely. He had some pretty high-flying moves, and a good grappler as well. I thought he was pushed decently at minimum in WCW, with some excellent matches with Jericho, Malenko, Mysterio, and even DDP and Konnan. I still frequently say that one of my all time favorite days in wrestling was when Guerrero, Benoit, Malenko, and Saturn showed up on raw together, seeing as they were pretty much my four favorite WCW guys…now WWF was the only brand to watch. One of the greatest, most deserved moment for any wrestling fan was the priceless ending to Wrestlemania 20 with Eddie and Benoit in the ring with the heavyweight titles. I still watch that here and there and feel as if it just happened. It was too bad neither ever were given a second title reign, or longer one for that matter. Anyway, pro wrestling lost a great modern day legend and my prayers and thoughts are with his family and friends. I’m going to miss his lying, cheating, and stealing promos and superb matches. Thanks for the memories Eddie, and shall Latino Heat live on forever.

Scott B.

From: FriezaSama@aol.com

This is the most tragic day in recent memory in the wrestling business. Eddie Guerrero was, quite simply, one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. An accomplished technician, a daring high-flyer, a superb all-rounder, a comical and amusing talker, and one of the most charismatic guys to hold a microphone. A true inspiration, Eddie quashed his inner demons and conquered his challenges: this will not be forgotten. My thoughts are with his family and friends, especially his wife and children, and my thoughts are also with every other wrestling fan around the world who is feeling as empty and numb as I am right now.

I have seen Eddie live three times, and they are memories which I will cherish for the rest of my life.

RIP Eddie. We love you, and we will miss you.

From: NBIfootball92@aol.com

Im very sorry for the passing of Eddie Guerrero he was my favorite wreslter i had just saterted watching wrestling in 2002 i loved the wrstling style he had.Im sorry for the passing of eddie Guerrero i hope everone’s letter will make you feel better.

Sincerly fan Nbifootball92 Connor Pastrick

From: “Swartwood, Ian”

I was saddened when I heard “Latino Heat” had passed away however I was more relieved when I found out that it wasn’t a suicide and or drug related even though it was drug related due to previous use. Eddie came back in 2002 with a new passion for the business and such a refreshing change to his character that it all came full circle when he became WWE Champion. He will be missed. On behalf of Basement Audio & Twin Widow Mafia we say thank you Eddie.


Binghamton NY

From: “david debattista”

Eddie was one of the great’s…. to me his latino fire, lowriding style


never be compared, i admired his loyalty towards his family and i send


regards out to them and hope that they know that there husband/son will

never be forgoten. he is tatooed into history and into out hearts. i


been a wrestling fan to long like 3years but from the first time i saw


and his style of alwayas getting the upper hand on his opponent from


misterio’ to ‘The big show’ to ‘JBL’. eddie may u rest in peice and in


infemuse word ” VIVA LA RAAAZZAAAAA”!!!!!

from david debattista

from MALTA

From: “James .”

I’m completely lost in reverie. I can’t help but dwell on the fact

that the

sole reason i still watch wrestling has gone. Please god look after his

family, and may all our prayers be with them and Eddie.

As a whole wretling fans are known for our unfazing loyalty and

support, and

i could swear i feel the sadness emulating around the world. Why now?


fought so hard to become a better person, fought so hard to be a role


My God he did it, he showed everybody that you should never give up and

there is always hope no matter how deep you”re in. And I will always


thankful for that.

I prey that Vince learns and cuts the roster’s schedule and lets our


breathe. I’m not sure the world can take another fallen hero.

i miss you so much Eddie, rest in peace, in the great madisson square


in the sky. teach ’em a few things!

James Tomkinson

From: “Chris Caruana”

Hey eddie, I am a long time fan of wrestling, im 17 yrs old and i’ve


watching wrestling ever since i was like 5, i just want to say that you


and still are one of my inspirations in life just like many of your

collegues. I was a great fan of yours and loved it everytime you were

performing and me and my dad loved it when you would do that trick

where you

would get your opponent blamed for using a chair. I still cant beleive


you passed away and that we wont be able to see you every week anymore.


of love to eddie’s family.

Chris from Malta

From: “Paul Chalifoux”

Hi , My name is Paul, and I’ve always enjoyed Eddie Guerrero’s Performance’s, It’s pretty devistating that Eddie just passed away like that, and it’s going to be weird to continue watching WWE without him. He was an amazing wrestler, one with some of the absolute best mic skills, one of the funniest performers, and im sure was a great person with a huge passion for the WWE. I’ve seen what everyone thinks about Eddie after his death, and he was an Idol to many of them, Eddie, if you were still here, we would want you to know that we will miss you, and we cannot beleive your gone. My sympathy goes out to all the Guerrero’s, exspecially his wife, chavo, and his 3 daughters. I will be watching Raw tonight, and even though Eddie was a smackdown talent, Im sure their will be payed respects tonight, one thing I am happy about, is on the last smackdown, Eddie came out as a face, and as the Eddie Guerrero we all knew and loved.

Well for the last time tonight, I hope we hear “Eddie, Eddie, Eddie”, and from one of his biggest fans, I say, Viva La Raza, Viva Eddie Guerrero!!!!!!!! god bless you Eddie!!!

From: “Michael Blair”

It’s a sad time for the mexican community to lose a treasure like Latino Heat he was an inspiration for us all, him showing us that we don’t have to be trapped by personal demons and that you can achive greatness in all that you do.

Viva LA Raza and R.I.P Eddie may god bless you and your family.

Michael B

From: PawneeBrave@aol.com

As I sit here at my PC, the thought that we will never see Eddie again does not seem like reality. I have been watching Eddie wrestle since about 1994, and I always had respect for him as a performer. As a former wrestler myself I know what it must have been like for him to get to the big time, and I was so proud of him when he won the title from Lesner. The moment that stands out for me was Wrestlemania 20 when Eddie and Chris embraced both as the champ of their respected brand, that was a moment I will never forget. God bless you Eddie, and God Bless your family especially your wife Vickie and daughters. I hope I have the privlage of meeting you one day and Heaven.

Bill Berka

From: “Philippe Mangiacotti”

VIVA LA RAZA Eddie ur gonna be missed a lot thank you for all those great years in WWE

Phil from montreal Qc Canada

From: “The Hilljack”

I was deeply saddened when I opened up the prowrestling site yesterday to learn of Eddie’s passing. I wanted to express how much we will miss his sense of humor, phenominal athletic ability, and his very in ring presence. Although I watch wrestling every week, I don’t like some of the characters and I truely despise all of the stupid talk and those mentally degrading things like the JR Surgery with Vince. I love the wrestling. Eddie along with Benoit and a few others make the show worth tuning in every week.

I am terminally ill and looking at my own mortality so I feel for his family and his friends. I read that Chris and a few others were pretty torn up by Eddie’s passing, and to them I would like to say, “Our time here is brief, you will see him again someday. If he was as good a friend as he was a performer, I am so sorry for your loss. I don’t know if Jeff Jarrett stayed in contact with Owen Hart’s children like he said he would on the Owen tribute, but I can only imagine that Eddie would want you yo look in on his children from time to time.”

The wrestling world and indeed the world itself lost a man who overcame the bad things in life and lived to entertain us. He will be missed! Godspeed Eddie!

Mark O Burson Veteran wrestling fan

“If you’re ever going to love me, love me now. Don’t wait until I’m gone and then have it chiseled on my headstone; let me hear it while I’m living, so I can enjoy it.”

From: “Daniel Tachella”

Eddie Guerrero will go down as one of the greatest

wrestlers of all time… Without a shadow of a doubt

his charisma and love for the sport will always be

remembered. I first heard of Eddie Guerrero in his WCW

Debut against Chris Beniot on WCW Saturday Night… I

knew he would become something special in the

business. I followed his career ever since then and

after his DVD came out a couple years ago, It made me

realize he was a good human being too…

I miss Eddie Guerrero, we all do, but now he is in a

better place with his Father… Eddie wrestling fans

around the world Love you and Miss you…. Thanks for

the memories and hopefully one day we can all meet you

in the kingdom of heaven…

Gracias por las memorias y la velocidad del dios

“Thanks for the memories and god speed”

-Dan Tachella

From: “Mark West”


Eddie you will be truly missed, i still cant quite believe this has

happened, to be watching him on smackdown friday, then hes gone sunday,


just surreal.

I will always have the memories of the entertainment you bought, im

glad i

have the dvds and tapes with your matches on them, and will always


them, maybe even more so now.

Thought and prayers go out to the Guerrero family, i lost my father


this year, and know how much you will all be hurting, but hes in a good

place now, i would say better but having been clean for four years, i


think that applies here. Ihave to say this incident has bought back a

lot of

sad memories for me, and couldnt help but shed a tear yesterday when i


all the reports, its just so unbelievably hard to deal with.

Again thought and prayers go out to all friends and family, as well as


of the WWE and TNA guys, as well as anyone involved with the business,


knew Eddie well, this must be so much harder for you than it is for


average fan

RIP Homes, you left us too soon, and will be greatly missed

Mark West

From: “Nathan A”

hey everyone

i am sad like all of you because of Eddie’s death. Eddie was a great

entertainer and was liked by everyone in the lockeroom and loved by

many. it

is a shame that he is gone. he has so many unforgetable moments that it


impossible to list them all.i was lucky enough to see his last match on

smackdown and that to is a moment that is also unforgetable.


From: “Justin Mullen”


You were one of my favorite wrestlers. I knew everytime you came to the ring you were gonna put on a great show. I have followed your career since I was nine and you were wrestling in the WCW, now I’m nineteen, so its been 10 years watching you wrestle. It is such as shame and a tragedy that you had to go so young. When I read yesterday you were gone it felt like my heart skipped a beat, I franticly checked other websites praying it was a joke, sadly it was not. Eddie I will miss you and so will everyone else in the wrestling world. You were a great influence and insperation for me and my other fans, you over came personal demons and showed us we could to. For that we thank you. My condolenses go out to your family, I hope to god they will be alright. To conclude, Eddie I will miss you man. Thank you for all the times you made me laugh during your skits and matches. I am going to miss you.

Viva la Eddie!

From: “richard deighton”

hello my name is michael deighton yesterday when i found out that eddie had passed away i was shocked upset and emotional because i have been a wrestling fan for as long as i can remember and weather eddie was a baby face or a heel i still liked eddie he was one who could make you laugh and he did eddie was one wrestler who made you belive him the way he played his characters he sucked you in to wrestling i will truley miss eddie as he was one of the best and there is no one else like him i hope that god has a special place for eddie gurerro up in heaven and i will never forget you michael

From: “Steve Dinsdale”

One of the true great legends of the entire wrestling industry,a performer who wore his heart on his sleeve.Rest in peace eddie you will be truly missed.Steve from Scunthorpe,England.

From: “gomez”

A true wrestling legend. Eddie was wrestling. I’ve enjoyed your in ring skills since your career began. Bless you, Eddie and condolences to your family and friends. You will be missed but never forgotten.

Keith Buffalo, NY

From: Chris

I just want say something about Eddie Guerro he was a great wrestler To his family and friends he will be missed now he is in wrestling heaven with the likes of the Von erics, Owen Hart, JYD, Brian Pillman,and so on.

From: Jose

Just to let you all know how much Eddie meant to me I’ll tell you this.

I’m 20 years old and in the last 12/13 years I cried 2 or 3 times, one of theme was when I knew Eddie was gone.

I wish to send condolences to Vicky, to your kids, all the Guerrero family, all your friends and all the fans like me.

I’ll never forget you, you will always be in my heart Eddie.

One day I know I’ll watch you performing in heaven.

You will sure be missed by millions.

Rest in Peace Eddie Guerrero.

Latino Heat

Viva la Raza!!

From Roland:

Hi there,

My name is Roland Posadas and I am a writer/video producer for TV.com.

In addition to that, I have been a huge wrestling fan for the past 20+

years. Like everybody else, I am shocked and distraught by the recent

passing of Eddie Guerrero. It’s very tragic and I can’t believe it

happened. Anyways, I wanted to find some way to honor his legacy, so I

wrote up a report on the unfortunate Eddie Guerrero story for my

website, TV.com. You can find access the story here:

http://www.tv.com/story/story.html&story_id=2385. If there’s anything

else I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to ask. Thanks and take it



From: “Jesus Rubio”

First of all I would like to send my blessings to the Guerrero family. When I found out yesterday that Eddie had passed away I was in shocked just like all of his fans. I still can’t believe it. When I first saw Eddie wrestle was in 1996 WCW . My father would tell me he is going to be a Champion some day. I’m going to missed watching Eddie wrestle. We love Eddie when he was the good guy, we love Eddie when he was a heel. Thank You for all the great matches Eddie Guerrero. We will never forget The Latino Heat.

From Proud Mexican Fans

Houston , Tx The Jezzman & His Father

We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal We Love You,Our Brother

From: Marbeth1975@aol.com

my prayers and thoughts goes to eddie’s family , he was a great wrestler i looked foreward to wacthing him each week on smackdown . i had a chance to see him wreslte live in July was very cool to see him in sacramento god bless the family .


mary gerrity auburn califorina

From: “allan quinn”

Im still in shock. I still cant believe Latino Heat is gone. It may seem silly to some, to feel genuinely upset about the loss of someone you dont even know but im sure all WWE fans all over the world feel like they have lost a close and personal friend and us fans, as well as the WWE, have been cruelly robbed of one of its greatest ever performers. Rest In Peace Eddie, you will be sadly missed.


Glasgow, Scotland.

From: “Harjit Bhoohe”

I can’t explain in words how shocked I was of the passing of Eddie Guerrero! He seemed to be at the peek of his career and had seemed to got through all the bad things in his life and survived! He was a fighter and survivor!

I watched Smackdown as Eddie was one of my favourite wrestlers in the WWE and definitely the most entertaining! He put on great matches everytime in the ring! Smackdown wont be the same without him!

I will miss you loads and remember you always!

Rest in Peace.

Harjit Bhoohe


From: “Shaun Shikeishuu”

The news of Eddie Guerrero’s passing was a shock to my friends and me.


found this as a complete surprise and just couldn’t believe it was


Eddie was one of the best wrestlers of today and one of the greatest

entertainers in the business. He had many great matches and always

entertained the fans. He will forever be missed. Rest in peace Eddie.

From: DarlingD203@aol.com

I really miss Eddie. He was such a great wrestler and entertainer, he was always so exciting to watch. He always made me laugh and smile- face or heel. He played his characters so well and he was so easy to like. I loved his “lie, cheat and steal” motto. It was so exciting watching him on tv or live. He had so much energy and he could work up his fans and get them involved in the match. My heart goes out to Eddie’s family. Eddie, I love you and miss you! <3 From: “M Barger”
You know I have to be honest here, Sunday morning when the report of

the death of Eddie Guerrero first made the wire reports, I thought this

has to be a work. I had heard the plans during the Smackdown taping

was to have Batista to drop the title to Guerrero, so his back injury

could be dealt with. Sadly, this did not happen. Today on MSNBC John

Layfield did a fitting tribute to Eddie Guerrero and his memory. Websites

of Chris Jericho and Rey Mystero offer heart felt sympathy. Especially

of note is Rey Mystero’s as he talked of the Eddie behind the curtain.

Rey made reference to the Eddie fans saw in the ring was a scripted

version, and those privledged to know him behind the curtain, were the

privledge few, cause Eddie was a stellar performer, friend, father, and

husband. Above everything else he was a example of what his faith had

done in his life.

I hope Vince & Company will do a fitting tribute to a man who deserves

to be remembered as a giant in the industry for all his accomplishments

over his demons.

Night after night these men and ladies take untold abuse and injury to

their bodies, all in the name of entertainment, all in the premise of

making the fans happy. May we the fans remember, these are human beings

just like us, the next time they jump from the top rope or they take a

chair shot to the head, injuries happen and sometimes the effect from

those injuries last a lifetime. THey may even cause a life to be cut


Rest in the arms of your Lord and Savior Eddie. You are missed.


From: “Humberto Zambrano

Yesterday morning, i woke up feeling weird. I dont know what it was, but i had a feeling that i had to check out WrestlingExposed.com (long time reader and supporter). 8:50 A.M. and the heading at WX said “breaking news: eddie guerrero dead”. My heart sank. It seemed impossible, but it was real. I wont say that Eddie was my favorite wrestler, but he was one of the best. He had that in-ring energy that many wrestlers do not have. He had the ability to make anyone smile, laugh, and mad. I remember h. I remember his days in ECW, WCW and ROH. His passing hurts a lot. I know there are millions of fans out there that feel the same pain. A tragedy. Smackdown will never be the same without Latino Heat. All my regards and best wishes go out to the family that he left behind. This is hard, but we will get through it. Eddie Guerrero will never be forgotten.

R.I.P. Latino Heat.

From: “Timothy Jacobs

Hello i am so sorry to hear what has happened to Eddie Guerrero, i


watching him when i was in year 5 and he was the leader of the lWo


years of watching wrestling i had stopped for a couple years and when i

tuned in and saw wcw nitro gone i had no idea what had happened with

all the

wrestlers. I then started watching wrestling again and the first face


came to mind was Eddie Guerrero’s, i remember watching him take on John


in the street fight and Eddie was the wrestler that i had followed and

helped me to start watch wrestling again. I watched his reign as US

champion and was really happy with how he had the championship as well


having the tag team championship! After watching his fued with Chavo i


really hoping he’d pull through and to my happiness he had pulled


and defeated him :-). I loved how he had put on a really fantastic


with Brock Lesnar at now way out and how he had finally captured the


championship that he had never won, i was so happy that he had finally


it, he had deserved that title so much. I also remember how he had


against the then general manager Kurt Angle and how they fought many


matches. My favorite being wrestlemania when Eddie and Chris Benoit


celebrating at the end showing and proving that no matter what happens


can climb up to the very top and be the best! 🙂

I loved how Eddie would entertain me every week and i laughed everytime


pretended to be knocked down and give it to the opponent! I absolutely


his segments with Batista those two made the perfect pair, with Eddie’s

sense of humor and Batista’s calmness they were hilarious.

Eddie Guerrero will be dearly missed, he is and always will be one of


best wrestling perfomers ever!

Timothy Jacobs

From: “kevin downes”

Ive been a wrestling fan my whole life and followed eddie’s carear and iam deeply saddened by this as i respect everything he has done in his amazing life. and all my love goes out to his wife and kids much luv from scotland eddie.

We love you man rest in peace

From: “James Cracknell”

Eddie you are a legend and you always will be, hey homes I even named

one of

my pet gerbils after you!

Not many guys have made me laugh as much Eddie Guerrero. He was one of


main reasons for watching Smackdown these last few years. I remember


feud with RVD – battle of the Frog Splashes! I remember when the whole


cheat, steal thing started. I loved it. The Eddie and Chavo double act

cracked me up. It was a great motto – do whatever it takes to get the


done. I loved Eddie’s rides, they were the phatest cars ever man! I


being surprised the week after Royal Rumble 2004 when Eddie won the


royal to become number#1 contender, but I was so happy, Eddie was


getting a shot at the title! On the night of Feb 15th I still didn’t

know if

Eddie would do it, but with Stone Cold giving Goldberg front row

tickets I

knew some shit was gonna go down! I jumped around celebrating when

Eddie got

the 3-count, it was an awesome match. I loved the defence at

WrestleMania XX

against Kurt Angle, that untying the bootlace trick was absolute gold!

I was

gutted when Eddie lost to JBL, I still haven’t forgiven Bradshaw for


And just recently I’ve loved the whole “I’m Your Papi” gimmick, the

relationship with Batista had me in hysterics most of the time, those


had chemistry, and finally – I was so excited when I read Batista was


to drop the title and it was a triple threat match with Eddie or Randy

likely to take the belt. I was rooting for ya, Eddie. It would have


great to see you as the champ again. but I’ll cya in my dreams man.


RAZA xxx

From: “Rodie Jon”

I arrived home from work, showered and was ready to catch up on my wrestling news before the ppv tonight when I read the most devastating news I’ve read in quite a long time. The front page of the website had a picture of Eddie Guerrero and it said next to it “Eddie Guerrero Passes Away.” This sent chills up my spine, a bad feeling in my gut like someone just punched me and my jaw to the floor. I read alot about wrestlers dieing, its sometimes a big deal, sometimes not. Most of them have already stopped wrestling or were guys I didn’t really care too much about, but not this one. This one is one that I NEVER saw coming, but that’s really how death is, you never see it coming. Eddie Guerrero is one truly a wonder story. Growing up one of god knows how many brothers and sisters. Born into wrestling, he became the most famous Guerrero in the United States. The man was a wonder to watch in the ring, then and now. One of a handful of guys that were in WCW, ECW, and WWF/WWE, and held titles in all companies. If you never saw Eddie in the ring, you’re missing alot, he’s just someone you know he’s going to have a pretty good match, nomatter who you saw him wrestle. Just before his death, he celebrated his 4th year of being sober, and off all kinds of drugs. He faced his inner demons and was well on his way to setting a legacy that his family and fans can look on and be like “wow, that guy was awesome.” So I send this out to you Eddie. Thank you for all the moments you’ve been apart of my life, all the memories I have of watching you perform, and thank you for just being you Eddie. You will be greatly missed and I can’t put into words what your carreer has meant to me and millions of others. Thank you and I hope you’re finally at peace.


From: “Manuel Perez”

Sunday the november 13 has been one of the most saddened dates ever. Here in Puerto Rico we feel super deeply saddened for eddies passing. He has been an inspiration to many people, ranging from fans to even wrestlers themselves. I personally was super shocked because I visualized eddy wrestling for about 20 more years, damn. I really on behalf of all of his fans, specially from my country of Puerto Rico,we all wish the best to eddie’s family from now on and to all his closest friends. “thanks eddy for all the good times…you were truly a warrior of life, te vamos a extrañanar bato (we’re gonna miss you bato)

Manuel Perez (Puerto Rico)

From: “Becky hey Chris”

I would just like to say that Eddie was an excellent wrestler and entertainer. He has had so many memorable matchs from WWE to WCW to ECW, to when he first started out. I would just like to add I was in utter shock when I first heard the news when i woke up sunday mourning. I am going to miss him very much, and he is way too young and way too early to go. God Bless You Eddie Guerrero, 1967-2005


From: JazzSantoni@aol.com

Eddie was an incredible performer, of whom i loved to watch every week. I don’t think his charisma can be touched by anyone in the locker rooms today. I’ve followed Eddie’s career since his ECW days, and onto WCW with the LWO, and onto WWE current. No matter Eddie being a heel or face, he could get the crowd to pop. He could make you angry, smile, laugh….all at the same time. I will never forget Eddie and the impact he’s had in the business of Sports Entertainment. Everytime he performed, he looked like he was having a blast, and THAT’S what it’s all about in this world. I wish his family and colleagues the best on their great loss. Chavo, start hitting those frog splashes in memory of Eddie!


Charles Block

Gainesville, FL

From: “thumbscrews”

One of my greatest joys is to watch wrestling. Eddie was such a joy to

watch in the ring. I saw him quite recently live at a WWE Supershow in

Little Rock, Arkansas… although he didn’t wrestle, he was absolutely

fabulous and hilarious in his spot with Batista. I’ve been a fan of

Eddie’s since I first saw him in WCW and would like to let his family

know that when I was little… I wanted to be like Eddie Guerrero

….. and I, along with the millions of wrestling fans, will be

eternally grateful for what he gave us in the ring….. memories.

Steven Taylor


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