Backstage News: Kane’s Status, WWE Drug Policy, Eugene


— Although the new business model for likely would have resulted in its reporting anyway, WWE felt obligated to cover Eugene’s incident due to the very public nature of what happened. With all that transpired last week, WWE would not have wanted a “drug scandal” leaking to the Internet on any terms but its own.

— While WWE’s new drug policy has drawn immediate applause from wrestling insiders, the feeling amongst many is that WWE will need to show it’s a serious, long-term policy and not a publicity stunt in the wake of Eddie Guerrero’s death and Eugene’s passing out.

— News of Kane’s movie finally getting released brought significant joy to the wrestler himself, who, when negotiating his contract a while back, took a lower downside guarantee in exchange for a movie deal. When the movie initially failed to get distributed, Kane obviously felt as if he had made a bad decision.


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