More TNA News: Hemme Update, Kanyon, Kidman, Joe, Daniels

Source(s): PWI, WObserver

TNA has attempted to contact Christy Hemme from the moment she was released. No word on how things stand now but it is likely that she has a 90 day no compete clause anyways.

Chris Kanyon, or “Chris K” as he is referred to in TNA, was actually scheduled to wrestle Raven at the November TNA PPV instead of the December one. Kanyon asked for way more money than TNA was willing to pay and thus they brought in P.J. Polaco (Justin Credible) at the last minute instead. Soon after, Kanyon rescinded his pay demands and told TNA he would wrestle for next to nothing as he wanted the exposure.

Kanyon told TNA they could use his name for TV, but he then told them that they should change the spelling of his name to “Canyon” just in case. They both decided to just go with the name “Chris K.”

Had Kanyon not been able to make the December pay-per-view, Billy Kidman was the alternative to wrestling Raven. Kidman was once a member of “Raven’s Flock” in WCW. However, TNA officials are a bit leery of bringing him in as he is now on the “You can’t trust him to show up” list after no-showing an AWE TV taping in Winnipeg two weeks ago, no-showing another independent wrestling show last month, and causing Torrie Wilson to rush home from Australia for some sort of family emergency.

Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels for the X title and Raven vs. A Mystery Opponent (Billy Kidman? – not confirmed) have both been announced for TNA’s Final Resolution PPV.

Shane Douglas’ wife gave birth to a baby on 12/13. Congrats Shane! Douglas actually left the TV tapings last week and Terry Taylor subbed in so Shane could attend to family business.


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