Traci Speaks On Doing Lesbian Angle, Yes To Playboy & More had the opportunity to interview TNA Knockout Traci! She was a wonderful guest speaking on several topics from her growing up in a farm to posing for Playboy. Below is the interview:

Interview With: Traci Brooks

Interview By: Andy Steven


Date: March 2, 2006

Andy Steven: Firstly I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview for

How did you break into the wrestling business?

Traci Brooks: my pleasure…, I won the Toronto Sunshine Calender Contest and was named Miss June 2000. To promote the calender I was a Toronto Sunshine Girl and in my bio I wrote to be the next WWF (E) Superstar. I then was given contact # to Sully’s Gym in Toronto, On. I trained there for just under 2 years and then a former student of Sully Gym, Rob Fuego opened up Squared Circle Training in Toronto where I continued my training…

Andy Steven: How did you childhood involve wrestling growing up in a farm and tell us more about the animal shelter you want to open after wrestling and when will that be?

Traci Brooks: I grew up in a small town and we only got 3 channels and WWF Sat. Nights Main event was the only wrestling I got to watch…I was glued to the TV every Sat…I had all the action figures, cards, magazines….I knew the first time I watched wrestling that this is what I want to do with my life…..

My dad’s farm is on 223 acres and I would love to open up an animal shelter for run away and abused animals…unfortunately it won’t be anytime soon as I am busy with wrestling but it’s definitely another dream of mine….

Andy Steven: How did you get in contact with TNA or how did TNA approached you for you to still currently be with the promotion?

Traci Brooks: Scott Damore is the one who contacted me to come to TNA…

Andy Steven: Would you ever consider a Lesbian angle/storyline with some other Diva?

Traci Brooks: ummm, never thought about it since I am involved with Maverick Matt Bentley…I am sure if it is good for the story line and is done properly I would consider it….

Andy Steven: Would you ever consider working for the WWE?

Traci Brooks: TNA is my family, my life…I live, breath, and bleed TNA

Andy Steven: A bit cheeky now… What are your measurements?

Traci Brooks: Only Maverick Matt Bentley knows that.

Andy Steven: When you watched wrestling as a little girl. Who were the people that you looked up to? And if you were wrestling today what job would u be doing?

Traci Brooks: I would be farming full time; I grew up watching Steamboat, Piper, Rick Rude, Macho Man, Jake the Snake. Steamboat is however my all time favorite wrestler to this day.

Andy Steven: Who would you wrestle in your dream match and what match type and stipulation would it be?

Traci Brooks: I would love to get in the TNA ring and wrestle Gail Kim, straight up match….Gail and I trained and traveled together for about 2 years and it’s been awhile since we have been in the ring together…

Andy Steven: How do you keep your self in shape when you are wrestling?

Traci Brooks: I work out twice a day…cardio on an empty stomach for an hour, then one body part superset with abs and then finish up with 20 minutes or more of cardio….I eat healthy and I eat allot….

Andy Steven: What are your thoughts on the possibility of TNA going head-to-head with the WWE?

Traci Brooks: I think we already are…….I don’t think of it going head to head. I concentrate on TNA moving ahead and think of how far we have come in 3 years…….

Andy Steven: Are you currently single or dating anyone at this time?

Traci Brooks: Single

Andy Steven: With Gail Kim and Jackie Gayda now joining you in TNA do you see more women coming into the company and along with that do you see a Women’s Championship being added?

Traci Brooks: That’s what I pray every night for…..

Andy Steven: Does the arrival of new knockouts make you fear that creative team will lack of storyline for you at some point?

Traci Brooks: Hell NO… means more chances, more opportunities and allot more fun in the locker room…

Andy Steven: If you got contacted by Playboy to do a shoot and at the same time help promote TNA, would you accept?

Traci Brooks: I would love to…I think to be in that magazine in the ultimate compliment.

Andy Steven: I would like to thank you very much once again for taking this time to take part in this interview for, I wish you the best of luck in the future and do you have any messages to say to your fans?

Traci Brooks: thank you so much for your time and please continue to watch and support TNA!


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