Wrestlers Forming A Union? Drug Abuse, & More

Thanks to Michael Moody for sending this in:

The controversial ‘New Jack: Hardcore’ documentary and other productions are now available for purchase at: www.HollymoodEntertainment.com

You can view a sample of the New Jack: Hardcore DVD at: http://www.hollymoodentertainment.com/media/njhardcore.wmv

Another DVD production titled ‘The Homegrown Collection’ was recently just released by the same production company and you can watch the official trailer at: http://www.hollymoodentertainment.com/media/homegrown_trailer.wmv

An old promo video covering the topic of wrestlers forming a union, as well as a powerful clip with Joanie Laurer (formerly Chyna in WWE) talking about drug abuse in professional wrestling from the ‘101 Reasons Not To Be A Pro Wrestler’ documentary, which features many famous performers was just put back online today at the bottom of the page at: http://hollymoodentertainment.com/index.php?id=101_reasons

If you want to directly purchase the DVDs from Hollymood Entertainment go to: http://hollymoodentertainment.com/index.php?id=order


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