WWE.com has an article up about Martin Luther King Day.
On the latest edition of “Legends Roundtable” on WWE 24/7, Michael Hayes was telling a story about the first time The Fabulous Freebirds came out to entrance music. Hayes said they came out to the song “Freebird”, to which Jim Ross added, “Lynyrd Skynyrd’s Freebird.” Hayes asked Ross why he kept correcting him and Ross said not everyone knows who Skynrd is. Dusty Rhodes, who was also involved at the table, added, “Who doesn’t know Skynyrd?” Ross said anyone who was born after the 1980’s, to which Rhodes added quote, “Oh, you mean the writing staff.”
Razor200421 sent this in: Not sure if this is important but yesterday at the WrestleMania Fan Axxess Tour, their were multiple “TNA Sucks” chants. Today there were a few TNA and VKM chants. Also, many people booed whenever the guy said Cena and even resulted in a loud “Cena Sucks” chant. Hillbilly Jim looks way different now.