Steve Austin threw the first pitch at todayâ<80><99>s Chicago White Sox Game. He was in town promoting the Condemned and met with White Sox’s strength and conditioning coach, Dale Torborg, who wrestled as the Kiss Demon in WCW and has made appearances for TNA in recent months. When asked about how he thought is pitch went, Austin told, “I was a little disappointed with my pitch, but you got to cut me some slack. It’s 30 degrees out here and I didn’t get one single warmup. To bring a cat like me, who has a lot of miles on him, with no warmups in 30 degrees, come on.”
Mondayâ<80><99>s edition of RAW did a 4.3 cable rating. This is a strong number; however coming off such a large pay-per-view officials hoped for more.
The Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen DVD will be released this coming Tuesday.