More On RVD Leaving, Update On Bret Hart, More

Luke sent the following… Rob Van Dam’s official web site has June 3rd listed as his final scheduled date.

Timm Vachula sent the following… Friday night at the Tampa Bay Devil Rays game it will be Legends of Wrestling night. There will be an autograph session before the game and 3 matches after the game. Mc for the night will be Mean Gene Okerlund. Appearing will be Bret Hitman Hart, The Nasty Boys, Rick Steiner, Greg Valentine, Brutus Beefcake, Tatanka, Haku, Cuban Assassin, Jim Neidhart and B Brian Blair. Autograph session is from 5:10-6:10. Matches are Valentine vs Beefcake, Nastys vs Steiner and Assassin and Haku vs Tatanka.


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