SAVEUS_222 Says “I’m Back”, More Jericho Clues, Flair

I have been looking frame by frame at the recent saveus_222 video from RAW this past week and I find it interesting that if you listen closely near the end, you can hear a faint “I’m Back.” At the beginning, it says 7 OCT, the same day of No Mercy. In one frame, it says catman (perhaps a lion). It also says bookshelves, maybe a hint for Jericho’s new book. Another interesting note is, if you play it back and listen carefully, you can hear the “Come On” like in Chris Jericho’s entrance music. [Thanks to Robbie]

Not sure how much significance there is to this, but if you take a look at the tour dates on Chris Jericho’s official web site (, they skip every Monday. I just thought that was interesting. [Thanks to Junior Thompson]

A number of web sites are popping up all over the Internet with the SAVEUS_222 video. Most of them have something to do with Chris Jericho. [Thanks to Steven]

As you guys posted earlier, Ric Flair was shown on the sidelines at the South Carolina/Mississippi State football game. I thought it was interesting to note that his wife was also spotted with him. [Thanks to Zane Allen]


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