Hogan/News & Notes, Carlito, Chyna/Rehab

– Commercials for the January 16th 2008 return of American Gladiators began airing yesterday on NBC during the Macyâ<80><99>s Thanksgiving Day Parade. American Gladiators will begin taping next week in California and will feature WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan as one of the hosts. Hogan was not in the commercials.

– From the â<80><9c>Where Are They Nowâ<80> files, former WWE star Aaron Aguilera, who worked as Carlitoâ<80><99>s back-up Jesus, is now on CMTâ<80><99>s â<80><9c>Trick My Truckâ<80> reality series. Aguileraâ<80><99>s last mainstream wrestling appearance was with MTVâ<80><99>s Wrestling Society X.

– Joanie â<80><9c>Chynaâ<80> Laurer will be featured on the upcoming VH-1 reality series that features celebrities in rehab. The show will debut on January 10, 2008.


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