Backstage News From WWE/Iraq, Henry, Maria, More News

From John Owens: On 12-08 TNA Star Raven will head the final training seminar for KYDA pro wrestling graduates. The session will be open to the general public for viewing for a cost of $205.

From Arturo Zaldana: WWE.COM posted new digitals of the WWE Superstars getting off the airplane in Iraq, in one of the digitals Kelly Kelly appears in the ramp of the airplane along side with Mark Henry. Other divas include: Lillian Garcia, Layla, Mickie James & Maria.

Luna Vachon will be retiring from active wrestling at Blizzard Brawl 3 this Friday, December 7.

An update from our Military correspondent in Iraq: I’ve been following some of the wrestlers around why they are here, and all of them have been cool as hell!! Taking pictures and signing autographs w/ anyone and everyone who asks. They film Raw tomorrow and as soon as I return from it, I will send you the results. I got an update on Matt Hardy straight from his brother Jeff, he said his brother will return in time for the Royal Rumble. I also got a possible Armageddon spoiler from Randy Orton, I asked who was going to win between him and Y2J and he said he’s got it, donât know if that was in role, or telling me what was going on. I had the chance to ask Rey a question I’ve been wanting to know forever and that is why he put the mask back on after losing it WCW, he told me it was a decision made by Vince for marketing. He said that since everyone knew him w/ the mask that Vince wanted to bring it back. Rey said he is glad that the fans still respect him, even though he put it back on. I think I made Mr. Kennedy feel bad about the steroid thing, I told him I heard he was supposed to be the “illegitimate child” of Vince, and Hardcore spoke up and said “no he blew that one” to which I responded “yea I know, I read that one online to”. I love your website!! You have all the up to date news on there. I wouldnât know half the things I know about wrestling if it wasnât for you!! I will email you the results tomorrow as soon as I get them. Thanks for taking the time out of your schedule to answer me back to. It is much appreciated. Talk to you later.