Cena is dazed as JBL regroups to his feet. JBL kicks Cena in the midsection. He works over the former WWE Champion. JBL works on Cena who is basically sitting on the apron. JBL tries to get a suplex on Cena, Cena blocks. Cena goes for a suplex off the apron onto JBL, JBL counters. Eventually JBL breaks it and takes Cena down on the mat. JBL is in the ring waiting on Cena or setting him up. JBL knocks Cena to the outside. Marty Elias starts the count out and Bradshaw works over Cena on the outside. Bradshaw roles him back in the ring. Bradshaw gets a two count, he follows with two stiff kicks. Another near fall for JBL. JBL applies a bear hug on Cena in the middle of the ring. Both men are on their feet. Elias checks Cena for submission. Again, Cena is selling his left arm. JBL brings Cena to the mat with the bear hug still applied. Elias checks again for submission. Big shot from JBL onto Cena with his elbow, then another right on the spine of Cena. JBL goes from a bear hug to a body scissors submission hold on Cena in the ring. Referee Marty Elias checks for submission again. Cena tries to counter but JBL violently slaps Cena in his ‘injured’ left shoulder.
A new WWE signing made their debut at the first WWE LFG taping. Read on if you wish to be…