Killings Update, Murdoch’s First Indy Booking, Hebner Interview

Pwinsider is reporting that Ron Killings was backstage at last night’s Smackdown and ECW tapings and is expected to be debuting with the Smackdown brand very soon. As WZ reported before, Killings is expected to get a big push when he debuts, unlike Chris Harris who debuted on ECW last night.

Former WWE superstar Trevor Murdoch has already booked his first post-WWE appearance. He’ll be heading down to Puerto Rico for the World Wrestling Council’s Anniversario event on July 19th. Murdoch will be wrestling alongsie former WWE stars Bobby Lashley, The Gymini and Nick “Eugene” Dinsmore.

The UK Sun has posted an interview with former WWE referee Earl Hebner, where he discusses the infamous Montreal Screwjob in which he participated. Here is an excerpt from the article: “I love Bret Hart to death. It was something I was asked to do. Told to do, in fact. If it was today, I would never do it. WWE has treated me, my brother and my son awful wrong for the things that we did. Especially my brother, who took care of the office on the road for a long time and made them lots of money. I did the bad things to get the jobs done because some of the other refs didnât want to do it or didnât know how to do it. You’ve got to be a team player. If Iâd have known then how I was going to be treated later in my career with WWE, I never would have done it. But at the time I didnât know. Itâs all hindsight.” You can read the entire interview at