Daivari Repackaged as Daivari?, Impact Rating, James Vs Curry Man

On the most recent edition of TNA Impact, Mike Tenay put over the new gimmick that former WWE superstar Shawn Daivari will be working under. Tenay said Daivari will now be referred to as Sheik Abdul Bashir. Although his name is different, this is a repeat case of TNA simply repackaging Daivari’s WWE gimmick. He will be portrayed as a man who has come to TNA looking to pursue the American dream, but due to the American people he has been stereotyped as a terrorist.

Last night’s edition of Impact drew a solid 1.1 cable rating, reports PWInsider.com. This is the same number as last week.

TNA has put up a video of a match between Kip James and Curry Man, which was originally taped for TNA Xplosion at last week’s Impact tapings. However, you have to watch the broadcast in Spanish as a part of their TNA Today En Español Con Willie Urbina show. You can see the match at http://www.tnawrestling.com/content/view/940/84/


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