Full Details On Randy Orton’s Motorcycle Accident

The following is from WWE.com:

Randy Orton was involved in a motorcycle accident near his home Sunday night that could have ended his life were he not wearing a helmet.

Orton, who has only been riding motorcycles for a month, said he was riding around a sharp curve on a steep hill home when an oncoming car veered into his lane causing him to widen his turn.

Orton then struck a curb and was thrown from his bike. He collided with the ground, knocking him unconscious. In his words, Orton “bounced and rolled just under 300 feet, landing in a ditch.”

“When I came to, I knew I had rebroken my collarbone,” said Orton. “When the police and fireman got there, they asked me ‘Where’s the guy who was in the wreck?’ and I said ‘It was me.'”

Orton, who was wearing just shorts and a sweatshirt, only sustained the rebroken collarbone.

“Without a helmet, I would be dead,” said Orton. “Now that I have a newborn daughter, so much was going through my head.”

Although the initial prognosis is that Orton will not need surgery, this injury will set him back an additional three months before he can return to the ring.

Orton did have one final message for his fans … “I will ride again.”