TNA No Longer Papering PPV Events, Daivari Profile

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that TNA has implemented a policy to no longer “paper” their pay-per-view events feeling it’s not good long-term business to give tickets away for free. TNA would often paper their pay-per-view events the week before the show due to lackluster ticket sales to make the venue appear full to the television audience. Last Sunday’s Hard Justice pay-per-view drew 3,500 fans to the 8,500 seat Sovereign Bank Arena in Trenton, New Jersey, another figure that has to be considered disappointing. By not giving away free tickets for Hard Justice, TNA combated the appearance of empty seats by moving nearly all of the fans to one half of the arena to give the illusion to the television audience that they drew a packed arena. One side of the arena had nearly all of fans whereas the hard camera side was practically deserted sans a few fans in the ringside seats.

The TNA website has put up an actual profile page on Sheik Abdul Bashir, which you can see at this link.


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