Guy Curtright of the Gwinnett Braves, a Triple A affiliate of the Atlanta Braves, recently conducted an interview with former WCW play-by-play announcer Tony Schiavone. Since his departure from WCW, Schiavone has been the sports director of WSB-AM, and next week will begin working as an announcer for the Gwinnett Braves. Below are some highlights from the interview, and you can read its entirety by clicking here.
GC: It’s been more than five years and you’ve been ultra busy since, but aren’t
you still recognized most for announcing pro wrestling?
TS: I’ll take that to my grave.
GC: How do you feel about that?
TS: I don’t have a problem with it. Wrestling can either help or break your career. I
think it helped mine. I’ve been able to survive and move on.
GC: Will it be hard doing baseball again after all these years away?
TS: I think I know a lot about the game. Wrestling was a job. Baseball has always
been my passion. I follow it religiously.
GC: Weren’t you famous – or infamous – for saying that each bout you called was
the best ever?
TS: For my credibility sake, I hoped that people had forgotten that.
GC: So what really was the best bout?
TS: The one the producer in my ear told me to say at that time. A lot of the stuff I
said was told to me to say. It was all part of the script. I was just the mouthpiece,
for better or worse.