“The Oustiders” Reunite, Cards for TNA’s New York Tour Revealed

1wrestling.com is reporting that Scott Hall is now an official member of the Juggalo Championship Wrestling roster, which has also featured appearances from Kevin Nash in the past. â<80><9c>Juggalo Championship Wrestling fits Scott Hallâ<80><99>s lifestyle perfectly,â<80> JCW star Corp Robinson said. â<80><9c>He plays by his own rules, makes his own decisions, and JCW is all about those kind of people, especially when they get into the JWO!â<80> Hall recently appeared on a JCW show where he teamed with Kevin Nash.

The following matches have been announced for the TNA house shows in New York:

Westbury, New York at the Capital One Bank Arena

* TNA World Champion Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle

* Tables Match: Abyss and Rhino vs. Team 3D

* Christian Cage vs. Booker T

Manhattan, New York at the Manhattan Center

* TNA World Champion Samoa vs. Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage vs. Booker T

* TNA World Tag Team Champions Beer Money vs. Team 3D

* TNA Knockouts Champion Taylor Wilde vs. Awesome Kong w/Traci Brooks as special referee

* Monsterâ<80><99>s Ball: Competitors to be Announced

Albany New, York at the Times Union Center

* TNA World Champion Samoa Joe vs. Booker T

* TNA X-Division Champion Petey Williams vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed

* Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage


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