1wrestling.com is reporting that Scott Hall is now an official member of the Juggalo Championship Wrestling roster, which has also featured appearances from Kevin Nash in the past. â<80><9c>Juggalo Championship Wrestling fits Scott Hallâ<80><99>s lifestyle perfectly,â<80> JCW star Corp Robinson said. â<80><9c>He plays by his own rules, makes his own decisions, and JCW is all about those kind of people, especially when they get into the JWO!â<80> Hall recently appeared on a JCW show where he teamed with Kevin Nash.
The following matches have been announced for the TNA house shows in New York:
Westbury, New York at the Capital One Bank Arena
* TNA World Champion Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle
* Tables Match: Abyss and Rhino vs. Team 3D
* Christian Cage vs. Booker T
Manhattan, New York at the Manhattan Center
* TNA World Champion Samoa vs. Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage vs. Booker T
* TNA World Tag Team Champions Beer Money vs. Team 3D
* TNA Knockouts Champion Taylor Wilde vs. Awesome Kong w/Traci Brooks as special referee
* Monsterâ<80><99>s Ball: Competitors to be Announced
Albany New, York at the Times Union Center
* TNA World Champion Samoa Joe vs. Booker T
* TNA X-Division Champion Petey Williams vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed
* Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage