JR Speaks on Flair’s “Incident,” Justin Credible and More

Jim Ross has updates his blog over at JrsBarbq.com. Below are a few highlights:

On concern for Ric Flair due to his recent troubles: “Blackjack Mulligan who probably knows Flair as well as anyone told noted wrestling writer Mike Mooneyham that Jack was worried about what would become of Ric once he retired. Many of us were happy that the WWE hired Ric to be a “Good Will Ambassador” for a healthy amount of money. Some thought that perhaps this would keep the charismatic individual with the seemingly unscratchable itch for excitement and living on the edge content. It didn’t. Then “The Champ” signed with an agency to handle his bookings. This should be a good thing. However, what Ric Flair needs is full time management on a on going basis and not just some one to negotiate a fee and book Ric to go somewhere and sign his name. Ric needs some one to help protect Ric from Ric. The incidents of the past few days have troubled me. Seeing my dear friend with a nasty, black eye as a result of a still somewhat unexplained incident involving his youngest daughter and. allegedly. her boyfriend. Bad publicity soon followed the incident that included Ric’s own daughter get tasered by the police. This is not a good deal any way one slice’s it. Yeah, it might be great cannon fodder for a reality show but is that a good thing? Perhaps “Naitch” should ask “The Hulkster” about that one.”

On the recent news of Justin Credible reportedly working at an Olive Garden restaurant: “Wise ass, Internet, wrestling scribes making light of Justin Credible working at an Olive Garden Restaurant should be ashamed of themselves. There is damn sure nothing wrong with earning an honest day’s work no matter what any one chooses to do for a living. I heard this same crap from friends and relatives when I first got in the wrestling business.”

On new ECW star Jack Swagger: “Jack Swagger, 6’6″-270 pounder, who debuted on ECW this week is another keeper. When he was known as Jake Hager this young man was a division one scholarship athlete at Oklahoma and played for Bob Stoops’ football team as a defensive tackle before leaving the football team to concentrate full time on wrestling where he was an All American for the Sooners as a heavyweight. This young, college educated kid grew up in Perry, Oklahoma which is the home of arguably the greatest wrestler alive today, Danny Hodge. Perry, Oklahoma is to amateur wrestling as Williamsport, Pa. is to Little League Baseball.”


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