source: the wrestling observer
TNA Knockout Salinas has won the World Wide Women’s Wrestling championship belt. If you visit this link, you can watch a video of Salinas cutting a pretty horrible promo acknowledging that she is the new WWWW champion. The promotion appears to be some sort of a fetish company.
Last week’s Consequences Creed vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir match on Impact lost an astounding 340,000 viewers, which is the biggest viewership loss of the year, if not in Impact ratings history. Following the segment were interviews with Kevin Nash, Beer Money and The Beautiful People, which lost 95,000 viewers. Beer Money vs. Shark Boy & Super Eric gained 109,000 viewers. The Abyss vs. Johnny Devine match gained 150,000 additional viewers. The ODB vs. Raisha Saeed match lost 163,000 viewers. The AJ Styles vs. Christian Cage match gained 109,000 viewers. A Sting promo closing the show gained 82,000 viewers and did a 1.10 rating. Overall, the show drew a 1.03 cable rating and 1.4 million viewers going up against the NFL season opener. The show did a 0.77 rating in both Males 18-34 and Males 35-49 demos.
Josie, a women’s wrestler from OVW, was seen wrestling Awesome Kong on Impact a few weeks ago under the name Sojourner Bolt. It appears that TNA has not offered Josie a contract as she was backstage at Unforgiven this past Sunday night along with other wrestlers from OVW. Josie and others worked Unforgiven as druids for The Undertaker segment on the PPV.