A character based on TNA wrestler Sheik Abdul Bashir is set to be featured in the comic book Headlocked: The Tryout. His character is apparently a wrestler called Ayatollah Daivari. The character will make a cameo appearance in the second issue of the comic book before making a full appearance in the the third issue. Series creator Mike Kingston said, “Iâve always approached Headlocked more like a television series than a comic book and I look at Shawn Daivari as an actor making a guest appearance. Heâs not playing Sheik Abdul Basir or Khosrow Daivari (his WWE character), heâs appearing as a character specific to the Headlocked world.” Daivari added, “Headlocked melded my love of wrestling and comics together and I don’t think there could have been a better job combining the two. It’s a big deal to be immortalized in a comic book, especially for a comic book nerd like myself. So when the opportunity arose for me to take part in a project like this, it was kind of a dream come true for me.” The second issue is scheduled to be released in November. WWE announcer Jerry Lawler painted the cover of the debut issue.
TNA Knockout Salinas has posted a cryptic blog regarding an important decision she recently made. She wrote: “Anywho, this blog is about choices. Sometimes in life you find yourself saying “I have no (sic) choice” and you follow your heart even if it seems at the time you’re heart may be breaking when you do follow your heart and commit to it. I made a big decision recently and when it is time to talk about it I promise I will have a follow up blog explaining. I care about all my fans and appreciate your support. On a good note, when you find it’s time to close a door, another door (whether you’re looking or not) opens right up and I’ve peaked inside and decided to open it and walk right in LOL”