Old Time Wrestling Tag Team Tournament

Old Time Wrestling is having a 1 day-2 event TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT on

Saturday September 27th to determine new tag team champions. The first

event has a 2pm bell time and the second will has a 7 pm bell time. Both

events will take place at THE MONSTER FACTORY. The Monster Factory is

located at 130A Harding Ave., Bellmawr, N.J.

SPECIAL ADVANCE DISCOUNT TICKETS are available. The discount tickets are

$18.00 for adults and $8.00 for children 12 and under and are available

at The Monster Factory during regular hours and also at the September

20th OLD TIME WRESTLING event. This ticket will be honored for both

events on the 27th. If you plan on attending only one event or cannot

purchase the advance tickets, prices will be the regular price of $10.00

for adults and $5.00 for children 12 and under for each event. And

tickets will be available at the door.

If you can’t make it live, check us out LIVE ON THE NET. Just go to

oldtimewrestling.net to find out how to watch all OTW events from the

comfort of your computer.

8 teams will compete to be crowned OTW Tag Team Champions. 5 teams have

been already announced. They are:

Pretty Smart ( “Pretty Boy” Brian Johnson & I.M. Smarter)

Mass Destruction ( Bazooka Joe & “The Ultimate Weapon” Anthony DeGotti)

The Thrillers (Tiger McAdams & Andy B.)

Fiji Tanaka & Irish Mike Curse

Matt Miles & Estebon

And just added, the MASSIVE man of Mystery, DARKSIDE and a partner of

his choice.

Find out all 8 teams this Saturday, September 20th at the OTW live event

at The Monster Factory. Bell time is 2pm and all tickets are $10.00 for

adults and $5.00 for children 12 and under. Tickets are available at the


for more information, call The Monster Factory at 856-933-0500, or check

out OLD TIME WRESTLING at oldtimewrestling.net .


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