Orton Shoots on Triple H Being Gone From Raw, Helms’ WWE Return

While Randy Orton was in The UK last month, Power Slam conducted an interview with the former WWE Champion where he had some very interesting things to say about Triple H, among other topics. Below are some highlights:

PS: Have you been keeping track of WWE storyline developments during your absence?

Orton: “Oh, definitely, yeah. Not SmackDown as much. I’ve caught a few episodes. The whole Edge marriage thing… I don’t know: I’m not into that. But I’ll watch the matches whenever I get a chance. I’ll watch some of the guys, like Umaga and Carlito, who are good friends of mine. Triple H not so much. But still, I like to watch what’s going on. I’m interested to see (HHH’s) match with The Great Khali at SummerSlam.”

PS: Were you glad when Triple H was Drafted to SmackDown?

Orton: “I was at the Draft (on June 23) after I got hurt. I was in the locker room watching the backstage monitor. I was hoping to get traded (from Raw to SmackDown). Actually, it’s funny because Umaga just got traded to SmackDown. He was like, “Man, you know what? At least I haven’t got to be around Triple H no more.” So (Umaga) goes to SmackDown and I’m like, “Yeah … F–k you!” The last Draft pick’s Triple H and I’m like (punches the air), “Yes! Oh, my God!” Yes, yes, yes!” I went right up to Umaga and I was, like, “You’ve got to deal with it now!” It was my favourite Draft pick, to be honest with you. And we got Rey Mysterio, we got Kane, Batista. I’ve got history with those guys.”

As seen on Smackdown last night, Gregory Helms made his return to TV in a promo segment that popped up during an entrance. He referred to himself as “Hurricane Helms” so I am assuming this will be his ring name when he makes his actual return to wrestling. He was not wearing the hurricane mask by the way.


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