The following quotes are from an interview with Kurt Angle conducted by The UK Sun which you can read at
TNA Gimmicks and Match Stipulations: “Being in TNA is exciting and frustrating at the same time. Weâ<80><99>ve been doing a good job but what we need to do right now is to simplify things. We get a little bit too complicated with our gimmick matches and run-ins. Iâ<80><99>ve spoken to the bookers, writers and owners of TNA and said: â<80><9c>Listen. Wrestling is very simple, keep it simple.â<80>
Why TNA Overindulges in Gimmicks: “TNA do it because we want to be different from WWE and innovative. But what happens is sometimes we are, but then sometimes we are too old school. Letâ<80><99>s face it, a tar and feather match today wouldnâ<80><99>t go over too well. But weâ<80><99>ve actually done that. Thatâ<80><99>s a 1960â<80><99>s match, this is 2008. Weâ<80><99>re in an MMA world. Fans want to see mano a mano. One on one. Letâ<80><99>s go at it. We call ourselves Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. We say: â<80><9c>TNA â<80>” we are wrestling.â<80> No weâ<80><99>re not. Weâ<80><99>re f***ing gimmick matches.”
TNA Protecting Talent: “At the last PPV, No Surrender, we had a triple threat main event between me, Christian Cage and Samoa Joe. We had a great match, but Samoa Joe won because Jeff Jarrett came in and hit me with a guitar. I would have won if Jeff didnâ<80><99>t do that. I believe that Joe should have kicked my ass and Christianâ<80><99>s ass and won straight up and then afterwards Jeff could have come in or even waited until the next night on TV and attacked me. Iâ<80><99>m trying to make our younger guys more popular. I let AJ beat me the last four times we wrestled for a reason. To make him a bigger star. I wanted Joe to beat me and Christian at the PPV to make him a bigger star. But whatâ<80><99>s been happening is we have run-ins to create the wins, so I get protected. I donâ<80><99>t want to be protected and I donâ<80><99>t need to be protected. Iâ<80><99>m having a real struggle with it. We need to back up and realize who we are and what weâ<80><99>re trying to get across. We have the best wrestlers in the world, WWE canâ<80><99>t compare. But how do we use them to our advantage? By simply wrestling, because thatâ<80><99>s what theyâ<80><99>re good at.”
His Future In MMA: “Iâ<80><99>m talking to several fight companies about doing MMA by the end of next year – 2009. Iâ<80><99>m going to cross over to the MMA world for a while but I want to end up back in TNA and back in wrestling. Iâ<80><99>ve always wanted to do it. Iâ<80><99>m the only Olympic gold medallist that will enter the Octagon and it feels right for me. I can almost guarantee youâ<80><99>re going to see me in the Octagon.”