Jim Ross updated the Q&A section of JRsbarbq.com. The following items are among the highlights.
-Ross on Steve Austin working one more match: “Steve could do well with many guys including HBK, John Cena, Edge, and Chris Jericho. No one would like to see Austin in one final match any more than me, but I really think that ship has sailed. If it doesn’t happen at WM25 then I don’t think it ever will.
-Ross on whether ECW will become a two-hour show and take an edgier approach: “My guess is no to both questions. ECW’s talent roster is essentially young and w/o depth. Being PG attracts more potentially lucrative advertisers. Going PG makes sense to me.
-Ross on the Sept. 15 Raw rating: “Well a 13.7 cable rating is stout for Cowboys-Eagles but it all comes back that if any program contains what the audience wants to see they will watch it. No excuses from me.”