WWE Smackdown/ECW House Show Results-Lisbon, Portugal

WWE Smackdown/ECW house show

Lisbon, Portugal

Report by David Pereira of AWP-Vadalhoco.Blogspot.com and prowrestling.net

1. Jeff Hardy beat Vladimir Kozlov.

2. Jesse and Festus defeated Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder.

3. The Brian Kendrick over Jimmy Wang Yang.

4. Maria and Michelle McCool beat Maryse and Natalya.

5. Finlay pinned Jack Swagger.

6. Shelton Benjamin beat R-Truth to retain the U.S. Title.

7. Matt Hardy defeated Mark Henry to retain the ECW Title.

8. Triple H and Undertaker beat Big Show and MVP.

Thanks to David Pereira of AWP-Vadalhoco.Blogspot.com.