The staff of Wrestlezone is aware that the website has been loading improperly for some people the past few days. As well, news has been slow to post due to a migration of servers we are currently undergoing. Please note we ARE working on it, and everything should be back to normal by tomorrow. Thank you for your patience and continued support.
TNA has posted the latest edition of Spin Cycle featuring AJ Styles, Curry Man, Taylor Wilde and Alex Shelley as this week’s panelists. Topics discussed include the upcoming Sting vs. Samoa Joe match, the next U.S. President, Canada, O.J. Simpson, and dirty laundry. Show host Jeremy Borash asks Alex Shelley who he thinks will be the next President of the United States. Shelly responds with the following remark (at the 8:08 mark): “I’m going to go with Obama, he has a charisma matched only by myself and Braden Walker.” The panelists then burst out in laughter (most notably Taylor Wilde) and some of the production people do a “Braden Walker” chant. Next week’s show will be a “backstage show” featuring people from the office as panelists including agents Pat Kenney, Glen Gilberti and Terry Taylor. Vince Russo will also be on the show, as he’s introduced at the end of this week’s episode. You can see this week’s show at this link.
MSG will NOT be airing any WWE Madison Square Garden Classics episodes throughout the month of October.