Morrison Bashes Candice, D-Lo Speaks On Retirement

John Morrison and The Miz appeared on the live blog that Candice was a part of prior to the No Mercy PPV last night. Although she only stayed on for about 10 minutes and was advertised for 30 minutes, she did say the following: concerning her time off: â<80><9c>I went to a dark place, feeling that everything got pulled out from under my feet â<80>¦ I tried the housewife stuff, but Iâ<80><99>m a terrible cook and I hate to clean. :-)â<80>

John Morrison had the following to say on the blog regarding Candice: â<80><9c>she looks like sheâ<80><99>s had way too much, plastic surgery, â<80>¦ and actually when Jenny McCarthy came to WWE to support autism she thought Candace was special because of how spastically she moves.â<80> He added, â<80><9c>I think Candace is vertically challengedâ<80>¦ I mean seriously, she canâ<80><99>t jump!â<80> Although WWE moderates everything that gets asked in the live blogs, this question somehow made it through: [Comment From Jeremy M.] â<80><9c>Miz and Morrison, do you guys plan on going to RAW and teaching Cryme Tyme that the Palace does not support African Americans?â<80> Miz didnâ<80><99>t say anything, but Morrison said: â<80><9c>The palace of Wisdom supports everyoneâ<80>¦. Everyone thatâ<80><99>s not a complete douche bag, and constantly talking about all the things they wish were true.â<80>

D-Lo Brown posted a blog on the WWE Universe site telling fans where he was during his hiatus from the company from January 2003 to May 2008. Brown wrote: â<80><9c>Many – if not most of you donâ<80><99>t know this but (just to clarify), I have not been in retirement. Nor have I been on some long sabatical. After leaving WWE in January 2003, I went on to wrestle for two major companies in Japan. Most of the tours there were in the range of 2 – 6 weeks at a time with 1 – 3 weeks off in between tours. My last match in Japan was in May 2008. For obvious reasons, Iâ<80><99>m relieved everyone notices that Iâ<80><99>m in pretty good shape with no ring rust at all. In fact, Iâ<80><99>m in better shape than Iâ<80><99>ve ever been and my technique and style have improved greatly over the last few years. As I said previously, itâ<80><99>s great to be back and Iâ<80><99>m very excited about my future with WWE.â<80>


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