Ian Rotten Bounces Check To “Squire” Dave Taylor

This was originally posted by Bill Behrens:

Well here we go again….

Just heard from “Squire” David Taylor who wrestled recently for Ian Rotten (John Williams) and IWA Mid-South for the annual Ted Petty Invitational shows. Prior to going to these shows I warned David to try to get money in advance but unfortunately he did not. He did get his flight info, wrestled two well received matches, and endured really bad motel accomidations. When it came time to be paid Ian gave David an lame story that suggested for business reasons he needed to pay David by check. David trusted Ian. Big mistake. The check bounced and now Ian will not return calls nor e-mails.

This is business as usual for Ian.

Ian Rotten and Mickey Knuckles (who lives with Ian’s family) bounced two checks to TNA in 2007 totally $4100. To date Ian/Mickie have repaid only $1400 of that debt with the last payment coming in June of this year. Ian promises to send money but does not.

Ian tries to convince the people he stiffs on pay that he will make it good when the DVD money comes in, but that is not really what happens as often the shows lose money so when DVD money comes in is a bandaid at best and has already been spent and not every person or company owed ends up paid, if any do. And the number of people or companies owed grows.

And Ian has admitted his debt to TNA. On 8-23-07 he wrote on his website, “I take full responsibility for it, I owe TNA money”.

Yes he did. Yes he does.

And now he owes David Taylor too.

Who’s next?


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